View Full Version : Ripping Tiles for Title and Getting Pallette to work...

02-05-2003, 08:59 PM
When I rip all my tiles from a title screen I want to use and then rip the pallette, I go to the pallette, load to CS 9 because it's custom and try to have it be the right color but it is always wrong. It distorts the color. :( Could I have some help?

Also, how is freeform better than not and is it really worth all the layering for every single screen?

02-06-2003, 08:00 PM
#1)i beleve that is a problem w/ur picture, prob too many colors or somat, i have that prob sometimes

#2)i dont layer every screen, i use da overhead combo, but it can mess you up sometimes

02-06-2003, 08:02 PM
How does overhead work? Do you just draw with it and it appears over link? But then there's that thing where it's black on the edges so it looks like crap.