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02-05-2003, 08:10 PM
Okay, so in order to create a translucency, the game blends the colors from both layers together to find the proper color used to simulate translucency. What C-Set does it look at to find the translucent color? For example, if link is standing under a translucent cloud, and some of the tile underneath link is showing through, does it look for the color to use in the C-set that the "translucent" tile is using? Link's C-set? The C-set of the tile under link? Or does it look for the proper color out of every c-set in the level?

That just gave me an idea.

What we really need is a user-defined translucency table (each quest would have it's own table, of course) that holds, say, 128 colors. The user would set these colors him/herself. When the quest starts, the table is loaded into memory, and when a translucency effect is called, the program would check the translucency table, and use the color that fits best.

In addition to this, a translucency tool would be useful... a tool that allows the user to specify two colors from two different C-Sets, and will then generate the exact "translucent" color needed, and automatically add it to the translucency table.

I know all that sounds kind of oblong, but it would make things sooooo much easier.

Turn-A Gamer
02-05-2003, 08:13 PM
It's not really necessary at all. Look at the way it works ingame. The translucency overlays on the display in and of itself, not on the maps or sprites or palletes or any of that shit.

02-05-2003, 08:16 PM
Translucent layers display on no particular Cset- they just scan all of the currently displayable colors and put a match on the screen.


02-05-2003, 08:19 PM
Then why is it that red overtop black with "transparent" checked keeps generating black?