View Full Version : The nostalgic gamer needs help!!

Dr. Mutagen
02-04-2003, 05:25 PM
As you probably know, I downloaded the full versions of Doom and Wolfenstein 3D a couple days ago. Well, now I'm dead stuck on both games. Here's what I need help on:

Wolfenstein 3D: Level 7 - Episode 4: There's a locked door in the first room of this level, but I can't find the key to it. Where is it?

Doom: Epsiode 3 - Unholy Cathedral: I can't get the blue key. I know that I need to press a switch by a crushing pillar, but the platform is too high.

Thanks in advance.

02-04-2003, 05:33 PM
Look for hidden switches and doors. Make use of your auto map feature to try to find any unexplorered areas.

I don't know the specific points you are at though so I can't help. But Doom is fairly straight forward, even during puzzles.

Dr. Mutagen
02-06-2003, 02:07 PM
I made it past that trouble spot in Doom. I still need help with my situation in Wolfenstein though. Since I can't seem to find any good Wolfenstein walkthrough sites, I'm relying on you guys.

EDIT: I finally figured it out! It's not that obvious either. I had to fire a few shots near the locked door and the guards opened it for me. Then I plugged the guards and ran through! Yeehaa!!!