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02-04-2003, 02:07 AM
I have found a foolproof way to wake myself up on time for school. Before I go to bed, I drink 2 large glasses of water. I always wake up the next morning at 7am and have to pee. This is good, becuase unlike an alarm, which temps you to remain in your nice, cozy bed, needing to pee is an imperative. You simply must get up and go into the cold bathroom to relieve yourself. Then remedy the cold by jumping in the shower afterwards and viola, you are showered and awake.

Also, have you ever heated up frozen egg rolls from costco that were so greasy that merely touching the air above the egg roll makes your hands greasy? Yum. Just a random thought.

02-04-2003, 04:07 AM
yes.. i have found that urination wakes me up great. i guess i just need to drink more before bed, and i'll be up and at 'e in no time.

02-04-2003, 05:56 AM
This is what Indians did to wake up or something. It does work I know.

02-04-2003, 06:14 AM
Unfortunately it doesn't work for me.. I have a bladder of steel...perhaps 5 glasses?

I knew this guy at my old college that told me that he used to put an Ice Tea bottle by his bed on Friday nights before he went to sleep so he wouldn't have to walk all the way to the hall bathroom in the morning... he would just piss in the bottle and fall back asleep.

I know this girl who was late to class once and had to pee really bad so she peed in a soda bottle...while driving!
Now I don't know much about girls and how they aim and stuff but that's skill!


02-04-2003, 08:47 AM
I doubt anyone wanted to know that mattwdr.

02-04-2003, 11:10 AM
I saw that on an episode of Simpsons. Bart tried to take the credit for the idea, but Lisa informed him it was used by the Native Americans.

It rarely works for me, I have developed what I call "Nintendo Bladder" from holding it in until the next save point. I got so used to holding it in, that it has no effect on me. I generally wake up and have to urinate really badly, but I can lay around in bed for about 2 hours before I finally get up and start going.

J.J. Maxx
02-04-2003, 11:28 AM
I think I read somewhere that your body gives yourself an erection to stem the flow of urine so you don't piss yourself while your sleeping. :shrug:

02-04-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by J.J. Maxx
I think I read somewhere that your body gives yourself an erection to stem the flow of urine so you don't piss yourself while your sleeping. :shrug:

Heh, so that's what that is.
And here I always thought it was from waking up next to a goddess every morning. ;)

02-04-2003, 03:59 PM
Too bad my body doesn't make the erection go away when I really want to urinate.

02-04-2003, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by J.J. Maxx
I think I read somewhere that your body gives yourself an erection to stem the flow of urine so you don't piss yourself while your sleeping. :shrug:

Actually, I heard it was the other way around. The full bladder keeps the blood from draining from your member. Thus, "morning wood." Not sure, though.

Dr. Mutagen
02-04-2003, 05:16 PM
Yeah, this works well before school, but it sucks on camping trips. While my family and I were vacationing in Colorado (Fun trip BTW) I usually ended up awake at 6:30 in the morning with a full bladder. I had to sneak out of the tent and walk about a half mile to the main building where the bathrooms are. It's tough because I'm trying not to wake anyone up and it's fairly cold outside.

02-04-2003, 10:40 PM
It's weird with me, but I've never talked about it in such detail, so I may just be average. For me I'll wake up if I have a full bladder, but if I manage to go back to sleep I can hold it for up to 5 hours more. It's amazing how some days I'll stay in bed til 3 PM and then forget I have to go to the bathroom until I drink/eat something.

02-05-2003, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by Dr. Mutagen
Yeah, this works well before school, but it sucks on camping trips. While my family and I were vacationing in Colorado (Fun trip BTW) I usually ended up awake at 6:30 in the morning with a full bladder. I had to sneak out of the tent and walk about a half mile to the main building where the bathrooms are. It's tough because I'm trying not to wake anyone up and it's fairly cold outside.

camping usually means there's trees around bud. why walk the half a mile, when you can exercise your man-power of pissing where you want?

02-05-2003, 01:52 AM
That doesn't work for me. I usually finish off two cans of Coke before I go to bed, and drink half a glass of water after I get to my room... and I still won't get up until really late...

The other day, I didn't take my morning piss until long after I got back from class around 11:30 when I had been out of bed since 7:30

02-05-2003, 09:59 AM
Rock on, its 6:00 and I'm up and have already taken a shower. This actually worked. :D

02-05-2003, 05:09 PM
I can hold it for about 13 hours max when I'm awake. But when you're taking a pee in the woods, make sure you watch for birds. They eat worms.

02-06-2003, 02:50 AM
Originally posted by Mottzilla
This is what Indians did to wake up or something. It does work I know.

Originally posted by AtmaWeapon
I saw that on an episode of Simpsons. Bart tried to take the credit for the idea, but Lisa informed him it was used by the Native Americans.
Exactly. ;p

Originally posted by AtmaWeapon
It rarely works for me, I have developed what I call "Nintendo Bladder" from holding it in until the next save point. I got so used to holding it in, that it has no effect on me. I generally wake up and have to urinate really badly, but I can lay around in bed for about 2 hours before I finally get up and start going.
Hehe, yeah, I've gotten used to holding it while working on something on the computer or playing a game, or at a friends house and am having too much fun to go to the bathroom.

Maverik X
02-08-2003, 12:26 AM
I'm weird. Whenever it becomes nessicary to hold it, and I have only consumed small amounts of liquids, i.e. long car trips, I have to pee every ten miles. Wheras when it is not nessicary, and I have consumed several bottles of soda or water, I have a bladder of steel and only have to pee every couple of hours at least.

Weird, huh?

02-08-2003, 04:13 AM
Lies! The body has no alarm clock. The body knows only an endless endeavour to remain in sleep and absolute dormancy, it's tyrannical reign consuming all but all of the mind's attempts to challenge it's single-goaled domination while the mind struggles pitifully to even turn the balance of itself to challenge the ever-dominant goals of the body, let alone achieve and succeed in a full conflict against the body or in overthrowing the body's attempts. One's bladder may become filled with urine, which the bladder is made only to disperse as often as possible, but it is no match for the primary body and can often be forced to hold in the water for hours on end rather than ally with the mind's feable, curtailed attempts against the body's megalomaniacal crusade, or even to discharge it's contents in an absentminded sleep-filled stupor in a smattering across the neutral and isolated underwear, who did nothing to deserve the wrath of either the bladder nor body but is in fact viciously attacked in result of their chain of evil. There is no escaping the body's mad quest for supremecy in it's cause, only submission and failed strikes ultimately leading to regular great apocolypses where an alternate body of universality comes forth and strikes agains all parts of the body and mind, forcing them into action, no matter how poor that action may be in quality, and attacking the mind of all things for it's allegedly weak and inconstructant failure to overcome the body's reign.