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02-04-2003, 01:54 AM
This just happened a few minutes ago while I was working on my math homework. It is proof that he and I are dorks.:) [I am Forrest]

The Dark Prince says:
i ment x->0 x/e^x
The Dark Prince says:
idiot i am
The Dark Prince says:
that approches 0
Forrest says:
talk like yoda you did
The Dark Prince says:
yes, math is my ally, and a powerful ally it is
The Dark Prince says:
you must feel math, between you, the teacher, the board, and yes even the paper
Forrest says:
You ask the impossible.
The Dark Prince says:
that is why you fail
Forrest says:
The Dark Prince says:
Forrest says:
Forrest says:
The Dark Prince says:

02-04-2003, 12:54 PM
and the dark prince is? maybe then it would make sense

02-04-2003, 01:42 PM
He's just a friend of mine.

02-04-2003, 06:14 PM
wow.....yoda is great

02-04-2003, 06:29 PM
/me doesn't find it funny.


/me shrugs and continues watching music videos.

02-04-2003, 07:01 PM
hmm... i somehow feel stupider now having listened to that

02-04-2003, 07:13 PM
so many simple minds

02-04-2003, 09:30 PM
Nope, i don't get it. And i'm a total dork! O no! Am i losin my dorkiness?

(goes to check)........

02-04-2003, 09:33 PM
It isn't that hard to figure out. Just two friends having a good time. If you can't act stupid with your friends, who can you act stupid with?

02-04-2003, 09:47 PM
unfortunately, Belderan failed to realize the results of posting this....

*points and laughs*
*Belderan explodes*

02-04-2003, 10:01 PM
Nope, don't get that either. But that's not dorky. That's just plain......something. I gotta go read up on "history of teenager jokes".

02-04-2003, 10:28 PM
Maybe none of you caught that it was a nearly directly quoted scene from Empire Strike Back?

02-04-2003, 10:31 PM
What? When? I love star wars and ur gonna tell me i missed sometin! I just.....wat quote from when?

02-04-2003, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Beldaran
Maybe none of you caught that it was a nearly directly quoted scene from Empire Strike Back?

I did. The, "Impossible" thing is when Luke is telling Yoda that he can't lift the X-Wing from the swamp. ;)

02-04-2003, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Beldaran
Maybe none of you caught that it was a nearly directly quoted scene from Empire Strike Back?

Yeah, I got that part... Yeah, I chuckled at it... But, too many simple minds...

02-04-2003, 10:55 PM
But. Star Wars sux....

/me reads the main topic post again....


I'm confused!

/me cries then slits his wrists.

02-04-2003, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by Beldaran
It is proof that he and I are dorks.:)

Tee hee. You heard it from Beldaran first!

02-04-2003, 11:47 PM
Even though you quoted him, I'm still looking forward to some edited posts...

Also, a more suitable (I think) word:
Nerd (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=nerd)

Or perhaps geek (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=geek) works too ;).