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View Full Version : A cool book and a few misc. tid bits

02-03-2003, 01:27 AM
If you love to read, and you are at all interested in space and space flight, I highly recommend the historical fiction novel Space by James Michener. It's informative, romantic, inspiring, harrowing, broad in scope, and brings to the table a wide variety of characters whom you will quickly come to love.

In other news, I bought a brand new book shelf with some money I made playing a concert last night, and I cleaned my room to sparkling perfection. My entire rooom is crisp, organized, and highly professional. All and all, I feel very fresh, energetic and capable.

End Transmission.

02-03-2003, 05:29 AM
Is that how you found that book, when you cleaned your room? j/k

I know the feeling of cleaning. I don't have to do the house as a whole but the basement and garage are my spots to clean.
It does not happen on a weekly basis but when I do clean up it is always a good feeling. And I usually do find things that were... well lost.

02-03-2003, 12:09 PM
I love to read but i dont get into the sci-fi stuff im more into the fantasy. If your looking for a good fantasy try reading "The Darkelf Trilogy" by R.A. Salvatore. Great book