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View Full Version : I'm drained... needs ideas for quest!

02-02-2003, 07:32 PM
I've had no ideas lately and it seems whenever I open ZC ready to do some work I sit there on the overworld for about 10 min. accomplishing nothing, then I quit and play some other cpu game. Does anyone have any ideas to help me think of stuff for an overworld and dungeons! Also, when I'm creating dungeons I can't make them balanced enough, they come out like crap. also I can't think of any ideas to open new dungeons.

IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS, TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME! I'd be especcialy grateful. thank you.


Dark Lord
02-02-2003, 11:33 PM
Um, no offense, but we may want to use our ideas in future quests, and not have a dupplicate quest out with same features. ;)

Anyways, I WILL give some advise. Think of your favorite Zelda game, then come up with changes that you would like to see. Lets say you thought of Zelda 3, and you might have wanted items switched around. Well, take that idea, put it into the quest to give it unique properties. As for a story line, think of something other than Ganon for the time being, since Ganon is quite weak compared to the new bosses. You just have to think of what a good storyline would be. Sorta like mine, Return of the Demons, it only involves Ganon enough to say that he was cast out of the Dark force (For now anyways. ;)) You might say that Ganon was killed, he gave up for a while, he is resting, he is mad and gave up and tried killing himself, whatever. Just try to make the maps unique, etc. As long as you aren't copying a quest, it's okay I guess. :) It all depends on what you can offer the player, as I am learning now, since I started my first quest.

Anyhow, good luck with the ideas!

02-03-2003, 12:34 AM
a dungeon idea... a dungeon where you swim but with small islands to fight on and get your items (S)

a sage dungeon where you have to fight to get to the sage. he gives you the item or where to go next....warp the player all over heck.

hope this might give you an idea. (s)

02-03-2003, 01:11 AM
Here we go.

-In one dungeon, you can have link become invisible, until he activates a switch to restore his visibility.

-In another dungeon, take away link's sword, amd make him finish the dungeon with just his sub items. Yes, it's possible.:)

-If you have trouble making good puzzles, up the enemy brigade, and put them in closed spaces, and maybe restrict link's sub item use a bit, so he can't stun enemies.

-In the overworld, take creating one step at a time. Only draw up where link needs to go, then, add the other space later.:)

-As for opening up dungeons, you could have a boss key that gives access to another dungeon. Or, have an entire building open up with the whistle. Or, combine lock blocks and other items, like using a key to change the locked object into a poundable object, so you'd need the key and a hammer to get in.

Unlike some people, I like sharing my ideas to help others out.:)

02-03-2003, 07:17 PM
Thanks for the advice and ideas. I will add you to my credits if I ever decide to use your ideas. Unless by then you tell me I can't. Anyhow, this should due for now, any ideas on how many dungeons/sub-dungeons? Not use ganon? Instead use a giant gleeok that takes over the world (lol). I decided by the time I typed that I'm not using ganon, just make a huge dungeon with lots of great puzzles and plenty of enemies. Sounds good to me.


02-03-2003, 10:07 PM
sounds interesting to me (S) It would be a different Dungeon.

02-03-2003, 11:02 PM
have treasure chest...some that require a key, some that open only when all enemies are defeated, some that are just "unlocked"/slashable...and make boss keys in a special looking treasure chest and put boss keys in every dungeon, as well as one or two special items/weapons. Dungeons should be somewhat "confusing" in the sense that like you pass an area once or twice and then have to return there after you obtain the dungeon's special item(s) and also have puzzles that reward you with keys that allow you to continue or get other special items...some of my puzzles have blocks that only move left or right and up or down and you must figure out how to manuever them so that there is a block over each kind of a certain spot (using infin. push block flags & block trigger flags) Also include minigames where you have to defeat enemies within a certain time limit or have to figure out a block puzzle in a certain time...you could also have games where you are rewarded for surving a hoard of enemies for a certain time...also using items in a clever way, such as the bait as a letter that you must deliver or something...custom bosses always help spruce up a quest...as far as overworlds, spread your dungeon entrances out and put those screens up first...i suggest having different themes for each part, like a winter land, a volcanoe, a vast forest, a jungle, ice caverns, dark caves, magic cities, lost land, lightening planes, etc...just be creative!

02-04-2003, 04:40 PM
Thanks, now I have some real good ideas. If only I could figure what tiles to use for DIn's Fire, get the hammer working right(wrong link directions for some reason), and figure out how to use the Misc: Bush Types. It'll hopefully turn out well, because I restarted and am using 1.92! With the Pure tileset.