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View Full Version : Tribes: AA

02-01-2003, 05:41 PM
It's a good game. A very good game. Forget the fact that this is basically Tribes 2 that goes faster and has a few things removed. Forget the fact that chatting durring the game is very limited. It still kicks ass.

Control-wise, it takes some getting used to. But your controller will soon become second nature in th biggest online CTF battles and battlefields ever. You can play online with two players on one machine, over a LAN with four on two (did this last night, had about the most fun night ever)

So what is this? Take your basic CTF game with a WIDE upen playing field with bases on either side. Now, add supply depots that you must visit before you can get your desired loadout (your default loadout is serviceinble, but you probably want more) Also, add vehicle stations where you can create a grav-cycle, a figher plane, a bomber and a air transport at. The thing is, generators power those functions, and if your generator gets destroyed, your vehicle station and supply depot (And other base defenses) go kaput until you fix it with a repair kit (which you can find elsewhere in your base, they spawn out of nowhere and can't be stopped, so it's impossible to be 'in the dark' forever). This adds so many layers to the game, as although destroying generators does not net you major points, it can help your team nab the flag far easier.

Anything goes, strategicly speaking. Depending on your armor, you can hold three to five guns, a grenade, and a wildcard which basically rangers from anything from a repair kit to a remote turrent to a barrol replacement for a base turrent (so you can have it fire missles instead of plasma, for example)

So very very deep.

That, in a nutshell, is Tribes. It's on the PS2. It's Online. The single player game is nothing to write home about (at all, don't even buy it unless you have a network adapter, or like playing with bots that can't pilot vehicles.) Also, with the absence of USB keyboard support and headset support, it's really hard to commuunicate effectively without playing on a dedicated server.

I still recomend it though....very highly.

02-02-2003, 02:38 PM
Why bother, when Tribes 2 has more stuff, and the original is better anyway?

02-02-2003, 07:48 PM
Because it's for PS2, damnit. It is also a faster paced game, with speed increases all around. Plus, not everyone has a behemoth of a computer needed to runn Tribes 2.

And Split screen. Did I mention split screen? If you wanted to play tribes 2 with a friend, you needed to buy two copies of the game or limit yourself to lan play. You can play two players with one copy of Tribes AA, eitehr on a LAN or online.

Not that you'll miss the tank or the moible command base...the maps are slightly smaller so you don't need them.

02-03-2003, 03:28 AM
well... considering that Tribes 2 is only $12, I dont think thats a problem. Especially scince the requirements for Tribes2 arent high at all by today's standards

02-03-2003, 10:35 PM
They are by my standards. I leave gaming to my consoles.

Oh, and they've updated the graphics a bit. Everything looks a lot more deatiled, especially the weapons, although that neat little reflective sheen that were on some slides is gone.