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The Savior
02-01-2003, 02:55 AM
Sorry about not getting this up on monday like I was supposed to. I was at a funeral for one of my friends (http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/3609645.html) and really didn't feel like doing it. On Tuesday I find out that a 3 day, 300 point test that I thought was next week was really this week. Wednesday, I find out that another unrelated test I though was 2 weeks away was really today. Suffice to say, this week has sucked. Oh, and nobody submitted a magazine cover. To combat all this suckiness, I decided to forgo what I was planning for this week and we're going for something different. I want you to design a Valentine's day card. It can be directed at somebody in particular, or just a generic one. The contest will be over on, surprise surprise, the 14th. If you want to be PM'ed a day or two before each contest, please notify me and I'll slap you on my buddy list.


02-01-2003, 03:16 AM
That is so sad about your friends. What a waste of two young people.

02-01-2003, 03:30 AM
That is awful news about your friends.:(

Sorry I never got a magazine submission in. I too have been struggling with school. However, I am very interested in the Valentine's card challenge.:)

02-01-2003, 06:49 AM
What a tragedy.
I feel so sorry for you and the family of your friends. :(

If you want to be PM'ed a day or two before each contest, please notify me and I'll slap you on my buddy list.
As for being on a butkick list, aaa.... buddy list for PS contest sign me up. I seem to be missing them lately.

The Savior
02-01-2003, 11:32 PM
Jemsee - Name added.

Everyone - Thank you for your kind words. It is so sad that 2 so energetic people had to die so young...

02-02-2003, 12:58 AM
Sorry about your friends and not making a magazine cover. I was going to go for a Time magazine's Man of the Year with someone from the member pages.

I'll try and think of something.