View Full Version : the pits

01-27-2003, 07:51 PM
if a secret combo is put UNDER link, and this SC is a pit warp, does link have to move for it to activate, or does he warp RIGHT when it is put under him?? You think you know what I'm using this for, but you really have no clue.. mwa hahaha :D

01-27-2003, 10:13 PM
like if you have screens A, B & C.. and you set a warp from A that brings you to B and then have a pit warp that would bring you from B to C, and then Link warps from A, will he automatically warp to C without needing to move?...if thats what your asking, then i don't think so...link doesn't warp at the start of any screen without moving...this would be great for certain affects...however, if for some reason, you had screens A & B and set insta warps to each other and had pit warps in the same place, and if warps acted as soon as link entered the screen, what would occurr then? the screens would likely switch rapidly from one to the other and mess up your quest...

01-27-2003, 10:56 PM
IDK... I don't have any idea what you're talking about.

Ganonator... no. Link has to move for a pit to activate. That's why it's more difficult to have pits open up temporarily under Link; he can stand still and not fall in.

01-27-2003, 11:03 PM
that's what i was thinking Plith.. crap.. i guess the player will just have to move just that extra bit for it to work then.

EDIT:: UFI (upon further investigation) If you are square on the pit warp, you don't have to move, otherwise, it takes a little bit of a movement, not 1 but 2 pixels.

01-28-2003, 02:28 AM
I'm not sure how it works. I'll test it out and find out. I would rather have it act instantaneous, because questmakers should be able to avoid any loops, especially with thorough play-testing. Remember the Tower where the third pendant was found, and how you got to the hidden fairies? Something like that would be excellent.

01-28-2003, 11:28 AM
Actually... I'm suprised pit combos work that way, G. The stair combo doesnt trigger at all unless Link is completely on top of it; but the pit combo triggers when link touches any corner of it. Are you sure link didnt move at all when he warped? Using an item or being hit by an enemy triggers it, too...


01-28-2003, 05:15 PM
yeah.. i tested secret combos that are put under link, and he had to move at least 2 pix to get it to trigger. Also, if he was SQUARE on top of it, one out of five he would instantly go

EDIT:: i also have linked comboes checked

01-28-2003, 05:36 PM
Sounds like on those rare occasions you tapped some button accidetnally, or link had not come to a rest on the grid from the previous screen and shifted of his own accord. I really think warp detection is taken care of in the collision code of ZC.
