View Full Version : This Week's Motivator: Conservation

01-27-2003, 07:08 PM
I have gotten to a point in my life where I know things are not going to last forever. Whether it is the last packet of Easy-Mac in my dorm room plastic shelves, or my ancestors whose numbers are dropping fast. Of ALL things, we can conserve about 1/2 of all types of things, whereas other things are a one time only shot.

For this week, first of all, save your money. Unless you have some large extravagant purchase that you've been waiting for for a long time to get, don't go all out. I'm postponing a trip to Chicago because I just don't have the cash to go for it right now. i COULD go, but i'd be short later, i.e. Wind Waker time.

this goes on an even greater note. Save time. If you always spend multiple hours a week on the internet, make it worthwhile time. Look up sites that you haven't ever been to, do research on places you've never been. Have some fun with it. Conserve your time though. Do your homework or whatever a DAY early. It will be hard, but the saved time at the end of the week will benefit you. Its always nice to have MORE time. this also means going to bed earlier so you can conserve your sleep time. mornings are a lot more fun when you are there to experience them.

Of course, you can go as far to say conserve gas and walk places, don't breathe as much, or even extreme such as not pee as often (or flushing between) but just realize that things don't last forever. I had a good CT quote to put here, but i couldn't remember it. I should have conserved my CT memory.. (:sweat: k that was lame...) anyway

see you next week

Support material: (i can only think of this good example, even though its really kinda stupid)

1/27-2/2 - Conservation
1/20-1/26 Reality (http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?threadid=67643)
1/13-1/19 Escape (http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?threadid=67364)
1/6-1/12 Conflict

01-27-2003, 10:06 PM
My motavaiter is: trying 2 understand ur motavaiters of the week.... The most money i ever saved up at one time was 121$, purely from 5$ dollars a week allowance....but then i blew it on 2 GCuBe games................

The Savior
01-27-2003, 10:47 PM
Very good advice. There's a lot of stuff I want to spend my cash on now (camera, Celda, LCD screen, donating some $$ to AGN, etc.) and I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to get, but I know I need to save some money for a car.

P.S. As for conserving things, could you conserve some space in your sig by reducing some of the images? It takes up a whole screen at 1024x768.

01-28-2003, 12:22 AM
good point Savior... i'll have to do that

EDIT:: (figured i'd throw this in)

DFW - you can read all about wtf weekly motivators are in the History part - it is in the Escape one at the top.

The Savior
01-28-2003, 08:25 AM

01-28-2003, 08:54 AM
I conserve money, for books. that's it. until I know a book I want, I don't spend. if you're going to conserve, try also to recycle.