View Full Version : items & full screen warps

01-27-2003, 04:34 PM
if you have an item on lets say screen A & another item on screen B and then have screen A insta-warp to screen B and check the screen flag (Full Screen Warp), what do you suppose would happen-since full screen warps make items & enemies warp along with Link?) i have a few ideas...maybe multiple items, i hope!

01-27-2003, 05:57 PM
Full screen warps aren't implemented yet. So we have no way to know.

01-27-2003, 06:30 PM
Uh... yes, the Full Screen Warp is implemented. The item will come along with Link to the new room, and no items set to appear in that room will show up.

The question "idontknow" is probably asking is- when you grab the item that came along for the warp, does Zquest count that as the item for the room you warped to, and then prevent that room's item from ever appearing? And the answer is : I dont know!


01-27-2003, 07:09 PM
The answer is... probably. I'll check, but it's very likely that grabbing a warped item will set the flag for the destination screen, not the original. The other side of the coin is that if you return to the first screen, that warped item will likely reappear there.

01-27-2003, 07:29 PM
What???? Damned help file :P, never gets updated fully.

01-27-2003, 10:08 PM
ok...here's the answer....you're pretty much right fatcatfan...the key warps like link does via pit warps, likewise enemies, when using a full screen warp. Thus, the item "warps" to the next screen in the same spot that it was in in the original screen but it "overrides" the screen's item and item placement for the second screen...so, if you have an item that warps along with Link, then it doesn't matter what item is used for the screen being warped to or where the item placement is flag is...i suppose there are a few kinks in the way full screen warps use; because if it was a true full screen warp, the actual item would warp independently from that of the item being set on the screen being warp to, thus you could have a seperate item; i wonder, if you have 10 enemies on one screen and 10 enemies another and then set a warp from the first to the second, will the second screen then have 20 enemies?...hhhm... DN, could you please consider fixing a few things regarding full screen warps; we could def use this to have "multiple items" if item warps acted independently...

01-28-2003, 07:16 PM
If Fatcatfan is right, then we have just stumbled on a way to "reset" items in a room. If you warp to a different location before you grab the room's item, it will always re-appear when you return to the room.

Magic ponds, anyone?

Oh, and idontknow- no, you won't get more eneimes. The enemies, item, and link from the first screen totally override the enemies from the second screen. And it would not be a simple matter to stop them from overriding.


01-28-2003, 07:30 PM
These warping tricks you've been working with are really interesting...this one will be very useful, if fcf is right...

If he isn't, I imagine it wouldn't be much work to change it so that it works like that, much less than adding a screen-flag as has been suggested several times...and having a trick to make recurring items would be great. Way to innovate, idk!