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View Full Version : How do you get a gamepad to work?

01-27-2003, 01:03 AM
I have a Saitek P750 gamepad and would like to play with it instead of my lame keyboard, but nothing happen when i try to define the buttons thru settings/joystick. What gives? :(

01-27-2003, 01:07 AM
ack.. posted in the wrong forum =/

01-27-2003, 01:11 AM
Please use the "edit" button to edit your last post instead of double posting (it is against the rules). ;)

01-28-2003, 01:09 PM
Come on, someone is bound to know this! And by the way, how do you load different quests, all i can play is Zelda 1.

I'm sorry that i ask so many stupid questions, but it doesn't seem to be much documentation around to read on ZC. And yes, ive used the search engine on the forums, but unfortunately i don't get any results i need.

carrot red
01-28-2003, 01:32 PM
Open the forth frozen thread, right now the one directly above you and you'll learn to load all the quests you want.
Sorry, I can't help you for the gamepad. I use my keyboard and it works fine for me.

01-28-2003, 02:44 PM
I've read that one, didn't help me - read it now again, still didn't help me. To be honest, i don't have a clue what that guy is talking about in that thread, but it sure isn't about how to load a quest.

War Lord's F-Drive? What's that?

1. Get rid of the error message (not applicable for choosing custom quests).

Eh? I'm not getting any error messages. What i've been trying is to go Misc/quest dir, select a quest from a folder and then press the ok button. The thing is that nothing happens when i do that.

So please, if someone could give me a step by step process that doesn't assume you know how to solve the riddle of the sphinx, it would be much appreciated.


System Error
01-28-2003, 03:21 PM
War Lord has a drive F, a slave drive. It's a drive other than the main hard drive for storage space without having to worry about running out of hard drive space. I have a drive D that's a slave drive (my CD-ROM drive is drive E). :) Oh, and about that error...

Step 1: When the error pops up just click OK (or just get rid of the window).

Step 2: Highlight the custom quest file and press the left Alt Key (by default).

Step 3: Press the Left Alt key again and click the browse button.

Step 4: If you are in the Zelda Classic directory, proceed to step 7. If not, just continue.

Step 5: Click the folder that is called "..\" until you end up in "My Computer."

Step 6: Your drives will be there. Click on your C Drive, or whichever drive Zelda Classic is installed on. Now find where you installed Zelda Classic. A good way to tell is "Zelda" appearing at the start of the name. If you didn't change the location to install Zelda Classic, it should be right there in the root directory of drive C (the main one). Click the directory.

Step 7: Select your quest.

Step 8: Click OK.

Step 9: Click OK again, in the previous window.

Step 10: Push your B button (by default, left Ctrl).

Step 11: Push Enter and start playing.

In more recent versions, there is a quest directory option on the menu. Try using that if it's there.

01-28-2003, 05:34 PM
I dunno about the gamepad thing, as my gamepads (converted PSX pads running on the psxpad drivers) got detected automatically. All I did was set the buttons.

01-29-2003, 01:46 PM
System Error:

Still don't understand anything about that... but nevermind it, your last sentence seems to give an explanation why i don't.


"In more recent versions, there is a quest directory option on the menu. Try using that if it's there."

Ok, so that explanation is not applicable to the newest version (which i'm using). Yes, ive tried going to the quest directory sub-menu, figuring that would be how you load another quest (doh),
but that is also what's isn't working.

As i already said in my earlier post: Nothing happens when i press the OK button after selecting the quest i wanted to play.


Well, apparently, my is not, (detected automatically). Because when i go to the menu trying to define the buttons, ZC doesn't seem to notice that i'm indeed "setting" the buttons for a gamepad. (Aka: Nothing happens, as in the case about loading

01-29-2003, 03:55 PM
Are you making sure you are in the right area? There are two choices, one for keyboard buttons, and one for joystick buttons.

01-29-2003, 06:06 PM
What version are you using? 1.90, or the latest public beta?

01-29-2003, 06:48 PM

of course ;)


latest public beta i think? ...183, the only i could find to download.

01-29-2003, 07:04 PM
Yeah, that's the latest. Just so you know, the reason that they are called betas is because they are FAR from bug-free, so problems are to be expected.

01-29-2003, 07:11 PM
and as i said, i downloaded it because it was the only functional link
i could find, point me to another "working" version, and i will try that instead..

01-31-2003, 11:31 PM
1. Once you have entered your name, highlight your name and press your a button. Press it again.
2. Find the directory where your quests are stored. Double-click the quest name.
3. Return to the screen where your file is. Press your start button to begin.

02-06-2003, 01:45 AM
Assume i'm feeling really retro. Any idea how I would hook up an old NES controller to my PC?

02-06-2003, 01:55 AM
You probably don't do that. But you can go here to see how other people have done it.



02-06-2003, 10:27 AM
USB gamepads doesn't work in ZC. At least not the DOS version. Get the Win version, IF it is an USB gamepad.