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01-26-2003, 07:14 PM
Yes, I am still working on this quest. I just moved to Orion's LTTP tileset (it looks better). The only thing is, so far 85% of my quest-making time has went into tediously fixing the tileset for my use. The house tiles were EXTREMELY annoying to tweak to my needs.

Thankfully, I'm almost done editing tiles so expect screenshots in the near future. I will be working a little faster since Beta 182 is so awesome. The 255 map extension will also prevent me from having to scrunch everything together (yes, this will still be a two-file quest. Despite the increased map limit I still have no where near enough DMaps in only one file, trust me). For now, the screenshot in my sig is all I have to give you (switching to Orion's set had the unfortunate side effect of ruining all my previous Link tiles, and I still have not gotten around to setting up the LTTP Link sprites)

As for actual info on the quest as well as features... Let's just keep that a surprise for now, shall we ;) .

01-26-2003, 08:11 PM
Kewl... Can't wait till you're done. For the time being, good choice of tileset. I'm currently using the same for my quest. So anyhow, (not trying to sound like I'm endorsing it.:laughing: ) I hope it turns out well. If you need any help msg me. Cya


01-26-2003, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by jman2050
As for actual info on the quest as well as features... Let's just keep that a surprise for now, shall we ;) .

What makes you think we would care about any of the other crap in your post? Don't make a topic like this unless you have something to make us want to pick your quest out of the sea of quests, good and bad, floating around here now.

01-26-2003, 11:38 PM
What makes me chuckle is how quest designers think they have unique techniques. I might be overstepping myself here, but I think pretty much all the technical capabilities of Zquest have fully been explored and understood by experienced designers- that is, there's nothing you can do that people won't see and go "oh, neat. Interesting use of that."

If you're concerned with people seeing your clever tricks, theres no reason to keep something hidden. Keep it hidden if you want to make a good impression, or release a finished product, or something like that... but popping onto AGN expressly to say "hi, I am using secret effects I wont tell anyone he he I am smrt" is just amusing.

Actually, you know what? Amusing is good. Keep it up.


01-27-2003, 12:04 PM
Heh, you're right in saying that I probably won't introduce anything new. But what I will do is take advantage of the medium given before me. The object of making a quest is to give a fun experience to the player, not show off all your neat tricks, however neat they may be.

The main reason I don't give away stuff about my quest is because I don't want to instill false hope. For all I know, this can never get done, since my primary focus as it stands is Metroid Revival. This is just a side project I decided I should do.

And plith, there really isn't any effective way to tell a person thorugh a message board why a quest is good "This quest has 12 dungeons, uses the LTTP tileset and has a bunch of neat features" means crap to me (as are screenshots since graphics, while making a quest look good does not give insight as to its overall design). The purpose of this topic was not to get people to play my quest. They will make that decision when I get something playable running. I made this topic for those who might have become curious at the little note in my sig that has been sitting there for the last 3 months. If you think all that stuff I said is crap, fine by me. I think it's crap too, but it's all I have for now so it's all I'm going to give until this quest comes into fruition. Until then just have a bit of patience and be optimistic. People may not like the quest, but I will try my hardest to get it done, which is more than what other so-called quest makers have been able to accomplish.