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View Full Version : Sound hack has multiple personalities?

01-26-2003, 05:01 PM
It appears that the Winamp hack is gone from the main pages, I don't see the "Last played:" there anymore. But it still shows up in my profile. Back before christmas when I first came back, I d/l the files and got the hack to work for me. Then when I got a new hard drive for Christmas, I installed it and put the old drive in my girlfriend's computer. Our computers are networked and share a DLS line. So now the "Last Played:" in my profile updates anything that she has played on her comp, even though she doesn't visit AGN. Just thought this was kinda strange.

01-26-2003, 05:25 PM
im just wondering... how did the winamp hack work? i never really figured it out...

01-26-2003, 07:16 PM
im just wondering... how did the winamp hack work? i never really figured it out...
Well you see, the script you downloaded, send out information on the music you play to AGN, as long as you are online, and using the script, the music info is still sent here, sort of like the annonymous user stats. Except not that annonymous and only the music you play (ever here a sound like you've just clicked a hyperlink when you play music? that is generally the sound which indicates info being sent.).

^thats my educated guess at this.

01-26-2003, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by Xyvol
It appears that the Winamp hack is gone from the main pages, I don't see the "Last played:" there anymore. But it still shows up in my profile. Back before christmas when I first came back, I d/l the files and got the hack to work for me. Then when I got a new hard drive for Christmas, I installed it and put the old drive in my girlfriend's computer. Our computers are networked and share a DLS line. So now the "Last Played:" in my profile updates anything that she has played on her comp, even though she doesn't visit AGN. Just thought this was kinda strange. The XML file that the board gives you to download tells the plugin who you are. Whenever you play a song in Winamp it then connects to the boards and says "Soandso is playing this song..." Find that XML file in her plugins directory and delete it and it will no longer update your "Now Playing" list with her songs.

BTW, while the "Last Played" isn't showing anymore the hack is actually still there and working just fine. I removed the link because it was part of a piece of code that was inserted into the header of every single page and added a database query (to find which song you last played) to every page. I'm going to put it back in pretty soon but have it be a little bit smarter so that it doesn't affect board performance as much. Probably have it only display the link and your last played song on the main page and in your profile.

Anyway, aside from the link being missing right now, the hack is still fully functional. http://www.armageddongames.net/nowplaying.php

As for how the hack works, Obi basically had it. Whenever you play a song in Winamp (with the plugin installed), the plugin basically visits a link here at the boards that tells it who you are and what song you just played. Then that info's inserted into the database and shows up in the list on the main "Now Playing" page and at the bottom of any posts you make while that song is playing.

01-27-2003, 02:02 AM
aight, so where do i download htis script from SB?

01-27-2003, 02:03 AM

That shall answer all your questions. Or at least the one you asked ;)

01-27-2003, 02:06 AM
thanx man :thumbsup:

01-27-2003, 11:43 AM
Hey, thanks! I had just figured it would update when I visited the boards, but it makes sense that it works seperatley. I'll get it reinstalled on my computer again. So when you stop seeing decent songs listed, you'll know it's me.