View Full Version : Map Questions

01-19-2003, 10:11 AM

I read the tutorial very carefully but yet am still having some problems here.

Is there any more info on this that anyone knows about?

some questions...

1) once you off-set the map on your first dungeon, do you offset it again for the next map to the right of the first?

when I do it messes my first map up, but if I don't the markers are a mile to the right of my map.

2) Does changing the map slidebar on Dmap three (for example) affect Dmap two?

3) Once you set a Dmap map up, do you have to delete it to change the position of the slide and the markers again, they don't seem to be able to be moved otherwise.

4) Is it normal to set a tilewarp that should be going to screen 75 to screen 72 to get it to land on 75?

I image I could figure this all out in a month or two, but to be honest I'm running low on patience and have been considering just deleting the whole mess out, but I have about 70 hours in this quest and would hate to start from scratch again, it would end up shelved.

You Know....
It seems pretty straight forward, but I can't see why my first map is right and then the markers for the second map end up way over to the right, and then when you correct that, it messes the first map up.

Thanks :O)

01-19-2003, 05:28 PM
The sidebar can be a problem, but can actually shorten the amount of maps you need. Here's the skinney: First, you click and drag the circle thing on the scroll bar to offset the map. Second, the warp system does react to the scrollbar setting.

I'm having a hard time explaining this, but for warps using offset maps, ignore the screen numbers on the map and just use screens 00 to 77 on the map you see in the d-map editor. This means that what you see in the sidebar is the d-map, and is not effected by the physical map.

You see, there are 2 types of maps, physical maps and dungeon maps. A d-map is set just to add information, like level number, music, and which of the 128 screens are used in the 8x8 map.

Anyway, if this hasn't confused you yet, I'll try to think of a better way to explain myself. Just remember that when you change the map offset, you no longer go by the screen numbers in the map but use screens 00 to 77. This means if you start your map at 08 to 7f, it will still be 00 to 77 in the d-map.

01-19-2003, 06:47 PM
I see what you're saying...
but.. :O)

It seems to be affecting the "where you been" map that drops down when you press "enter" in the dungeon.

Even though everything else works right, it shows it offset on the rooms you've been to.

I looked at the Revenge 2 source, and noticed he used a lot of dmaps, I guess he might have been having the same problem.

I'll just use more maps when it gives a headache in the future

An example of what happened here is this:

On my levels 6 & 7 I placed them both in Dmap 4
I got both maps to properly line up, and all warps to properly work, they looked right on the screen when you were in the dungeon and looking at the dmap itself, BUT the drop down map of where you had visited in the 7 dungeon was offset one frame to the right, showing the incorrect rooms.

I tried everything I could think of to get that right, but it just messed the other maps up.
So I just put 7 in a new Dmap 5.

Using more Dmaps doesn't concern me too much right now, I'm using the 1.90 and doing this quest in the original graphics, but I'll care, I guess, when I move on to some of the newer graphics and better tricks :O)

Thanks for the response, I hope you'll play this puppy when I get it done, should be some fun. :O)

01-19-2003, 07:22 PM
Normaly I use D-maps 1-9 for levels 1-9. If you put both level 6 and level 7 on D-map 4 (as opposed to real map 4) then this could be causing some problems, as everything that's set for D-map 4 is considered the same dungeon.

As far as the "Where You've Been" map goes, I believe that depends on the squares you select in the box to the right of the slider. If they're off, try changing that. Rooms should only appear on the map if they are selected, so that secret rooms won't showup.

Hope that helps.

01-19-2003, 07:58 PM
If you put both level 6 and level 7 on D-map 4 (as opposed to real map 4) then this could be causing some problems.


I'm putting all my dungeon maps on Dmaps, I thought that's what they were for.
Am I loosing it here?

01-19-2003, 08:41 PM
What I'm saying is that one Dmap is used for one dungeon only. If you are trying to use the same Dmap for 2 diffrent levels, things won't match up for the second one. Say you set up all the info, music, map, compass, continue, ect., for Level 6 on dmap 4. Then when you enter Level 7 it warps you to the right spot in dmap 4, but the music, map, compass, continue point, ect. will still be set for Level 6.

Basicly you can't use a Dmap for multiple dungeons. You can use multiple dmaps inside a dungeon, but not the other way around.

01-19-2003, 09:35 PM
I want to create a cave that leads between two places on the map and it uses a DMap... in the DMap properties editor, which color would I choose to create a color scheme like the one in screen 80 on map 1? I'm using the beta, btw.

01-19-2003, 10:38 PM

Ok, I got ya :O)
Thanks :O)

01-19-2003, 10:41 PM
I think pallete A should work. Select cave from the list of palletes to use in the d-map, and to make it look right in zquest press shift + 0 or some other colour.

01-20-2003, 12:35 AM
By the way saro, to tell which palettes are what, I suggest that you access QUEST -> Graphics -> Palettes -> Levels. You can here name your palettes and you'll notice that palette 0A (A) is passageways (caverns).

01-20-2003, 04:14 PM
Well, I changed the color of my cave to the level 9 color, so I am good. But there is one thing (that I don't intend to fix, it actually looks cool): I have Black Moblins in my cave, and since I am using the level 9 color, they appear black and grey. Why is this? Remember, I think it looks cool, I don't want to fix it. :D

01-20-2003, 08:50 PM
Because black molblins uses the same palettes as the levels at least in the classic graphics as far as i know and so, changes color depending in which level you are in.

01-21-2003, 03:28 AM
Black moblins, zols, gels, and zoras, I think, all use palette 9. If you open up your cave palette, you'll see that for pallete 9 it goes clear, black, gray,white. (assuming you copied the default lv 9 palette of the original.) IF you wanted to change the colors for these enemies, you'd edit that palette.