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View Full Version : possibly the oddest wc3 game ever...

01-19-2003, 10:02 AM
Mott n Me (masa.gaming-honor.com/mott n me.w3g)

mott and i were playing for hours last night an this is probably one of the weirdest game we've ever played... check it out. i laughing at it for about 5 minutes after the game ended! =0

01-19-2003, 03:50 PM
It was funny, although not too suprising. Be glad I rendered them unable to continue mining with my last bunch of tanks and such. ;p

The game lasted forever.

01-19-2003, 10:28 PM
My weirdest game was me getting my ass kicked and than I somehow ran with one peasant and won.

01-20-2003, 12:04 AM
man, I havent played WC3 in a while, last I remember I was Pissed off at it because I never lag in that game, and I was winning a normal match, and got Disconnected? There was NO LAG, and no "waiting for players box" in the game at all! Just out of know where got disconnected!(I got booted back to the Battle.net chat, so Battle.net did not disc. me...)

01-20-2003, 12:09 AM
Is it possible to view those without having WC3? I'm gonna bet no, but you never know...

01-20-2003, 10:12 AM
I have had a couple weird ones. One time it was undead vs. undead and I had an army of frost worms and I was too afraid to attack his base cause he has a ton of towers even though I took all of his expansions. I was afraid to attack him and he was afraid to attack me. Then he left and I won.

01-20-2003, 12:48 PM
we killed all of the mines. none of the comps or us had ANY gold. then i there were a few thatthe comps didn't take for some reason. i had this big line of peons from my base all the way to the mine until i had enough to build a hall hidden from the comps. (their army was always patrolling in places) then we had to wait for enough gold to make a knight and merc army.