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View Full Version : A whole year

01-19-2003, 04:00 AM
774 posts, 96 threads, and 1 year later, here I stand on my aniversary as a registered member of the AGN crew. Unbelievable.

I want to say thanks for all of the time spent away from things that I should have done instead :D

So what was my favorite moment?? Not a clue. I enjoyed a whole lot of it.


- Russ

01-19-2003, 05:28 AM
Congrats. Maybe you should use the count down tag as I have in your signature to show how long it's been since you registered.

carrot red
01-19-2003, 03:17 PM
Many returns, Ganonator and keep doing just that!

Dr. Mutagen
01-19-2003, 03:42 PM
Way to hang in there, Ganonator! :thumbsup:

01-19-2003, 06:01 PM
Congrats man! I can honestly say I enjoy your contributions to the forums alot, and I hope you stick around. :)

01-19-2003, 06:30 PM
Well congrats, I still have about six months till my one year anniversary, I guess you didn't spend as much time here as me though.

01-19-2003, 07:28 PM
Hmm... It has also been 1 year for me!! yey...