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View Full Version : yeah, more layers ?s

01-18-2003, 05:25 PM
1. What does the following data do?
-X Delay
-X Speed
-X size
-Y Delay
-Y Speed
-y Size

2. How do i get auto layers to work?...like i know that the * in the layers data menu is used to do so, but what does the value it asks for mean? i assume the map #...but what screen do they use?...i'm so confused! AAHHH!!! hehehe

3. I know that secret flags 16-32 on all layers are triggered when flags on layer 0 is triggered but do weapon flags trigger on any layers?..(like will a burn flag on layer 1 be activated by a candle)

01-18-2003, 10:25 PM
1) Nothing as of now. The idea was to allow parallexing layers, but that hasn't happened yet.

2) They use the cooresponding screen. For instance, if you were on map 1 and did autolayer to map 2, if you went to screen 31 on map 1, its layer would be screen 31 on map 2. Does that make sense?

3) I don't think so. However, if you were to activate a burn flag on layer 0, a burn flag on layer 1 *should* be triggered too (just like if they were on the same screen normally). I'm not totally sure about this though.

01-18-2003, 11:32 PM
wait...once you set the auto layer for one screen, does it work for the others too?..i wish i knew this before hand...since i reserved maps 2 & 3 for layers for my overworld & made them all transparent tiles...i set all the layers to the corresponding screens on the other maps individually!...ahhh!...that could've saved me a lot of work!...i do recall somebody complaining about autolayers though (like they were buggy or something) so i had refrained from using them.

01-23-2003, 10:14 AM
I use them alot, they have never bugged out on me

01-23-2003, 03:17 PM
The idea was to allow parallexing layers Aha. So... what exactly are parallexing layers? Is it like the fog that continuously moves across the screen, or a special type of background scrolling that moves at a different speed from the rest of the screen? (Both are extroardinarily desirable. :sb: )

And thanks for clearing that up for us, Cloral.