View Full Version : Deus Ex Help. Please? Anyone?

01-14-2003, 08:56 AM

The above smily is a re-enactment of my action based on my progress in Deus Ex. There is this wall, see, and I can't get past it. So I have little choice but to do what this cute little smily is doing right now.


I need someone's help to get me past this wall. But first I have to tell you which wall it is. :sweat: OK, Does anyone remember the mission in Deus Ex when Paul Denton has been "turned off" by the near-activation of his shutoff switch? (I hope I didn't spoil anything.) And you have to go looking for the NSF headquarters? Apparently, near the back entrance of the bar, there is a small alley, and there is a massive wall at the end of that alley that I can't get past. How do you get past it?
Thank you. :)

01-14-2003, 05:48 PM
if i remember correctly, then you can either

a) turn on your leg nano augs and jump it (well, that if you have them, im not too sure if you will that early in the game)
b) stack crates
c)theres another way by the wearhouse district, it will bring you around to where there are several guards patrolling, (not NSF they should be UNATCO.)

any who, i hoped that helps... if not, pm me and i'll load up my game @ the aprt and see if i can help you further

01-14-2003, 06:08 PM
Gee, it's really nice of you. I appreciate it.

I already tried using the nano jump capability, and the windows are far too small. And I can't really find enough crates to do the job, although I did find the datacube under the crates in the alley to the south that had the bank pin number. :) But even that didn't work. :shakeno: And is the warehouse district where you find the weapon smuggler?

01-15-2003, 12:25 AM
actually wait... are you past the point where the riot cops have opened up the tunnel so that you can get through there?

cuz im gonna need to know more less where you are...

01-15-2003, 08:39 AM
I've been all over the entire area. I've been in and out of Pauls apartment so very many times, I've tried every door and window I've seen, I stared at every single wall, trash can, bum, bum, officer, dog, pigeon, wall, and everything else that I can find looking for secrets. I've been inside the bar, but there's really nothing special there other than the cool pool tables, I think. So that's it. I've done about everything, including talking to the nearby police officer in front of the park, and the wall remains constant.

Drunken Tiger
01-16-2003, 08:52 AM

I remember i was stuck there for a while... But completely forgot coz it was sooo long ago... -.-;;

Maybe you can "cheat" for that bit!! :sly:

01-16-2003, 05:07 PM
Can you check the strenght of it, maybe the rocket launcher or the, well I forget the name, but grenade, mine, type thing.

01-17-2003, 11:44 AM
Sorry, it's strong. :shakeno: rocket Launcher, Dragon fang sword, (I cheated.) And You can't walkthroughwalls, because I haven't found a cheat for that. I did manage to get to the other side, though, but I had to warp there. But that means that I probably didn't do the necessary requirements for it. :shrug:

01-19-2003, 06:25 PM
Is there actually anything behind there? And you did find the scret ammo room in Paul's aparment right?