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View Full Version : free online RPG's

01-13-2003, 01:31 AM
does anybody know any good MUD RPG's like Gemstone 3, that are.. ehum.. free?? I know GS3 is up to like 10 bucks a month, and I'm looking for something similar, but w/o the pay


01-13-2003, 01:57 AM

01-13-2003, 02:35 AM

+: I want to play Achaea, but how do I register/play?? very confusing

Lone Wolf
01-13-2003, 10:13 AM
I can't even find the games on the site.

01-13-2003, 10:53 AM
there's one i used to play called vagabond's quest, but i lost the url. you also might want to check out swirve. they have a couple good strategy muds. www.swirve.com

01-13-2003, 01:37 PM
is vagabonds quest that arena mud where you fought people and could bet on fights?
had a dungeon you could go into to go on an adventure and gain xp,cash?

01-13-2003, 02:28 PM
yep. that was it. kinda fun, but it got old

3-Headed Monkey
01-13-2003, 06:31 PM

I may have the website wrong, but that's the name of the game. It's completely free, even the initial software, unless you use the upgraded thing, with almost no advantages but sound, or at least I've heard. You can either reload it every single time you play it, or you can download a file that has all the graphics and stuff preloaded, which I think is less than a meg.

Personally, I hate runescape, but that's only because I hate all online games.

01-14-2003, 01:11 AM
I used to play VQ all the time until my characters got deleted or something.

All I know was I couldnt access my account properly.

Had a pretty string wizard who could kill most anyone with 1 spell.
granted it took all my mana to cast it and I was dead if it missed.

I think I found the site searching on google but it looks different.
The url sounds familiar though


01-14-2003, 04:06 AM
Try Exile. http://exile.linex.com/

I know people who have been playing this game for 4 years or more. Totaly free, use telnet or d/l a MUD or MUSH client to run it. Huge world too.

01-14-2003, 07:10 PM
Dragon Court


Nuff Said!

01-15-2003, 09:01 AM
tried one of those, not much after you've played AD&D, sorry.