View Full Version : Multiple Tilesets

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01-10-2003, 01:20 PM
Is it in any way possible to have multiple overworld tilesets on the same quest? I'm trying to make it so that it's summer-ish and then Link goes into a level and when he comes out, it's snowy on the overworld...kind of like Oracle Of Seasons, but less complicating. More like the light and dark worlds in Zelda 3. Make sense?


01-10-2003, 03:47 PM
The newest beta has no combo pages, and you can just point the exit to the map with the different graphics.

I would like somthing that perhaps loads a map on top of an existing one, meaning that everything stays the same except for the graphics and such.

01-12-2003, 03:46 PM
The best I can think of is making the DMap PALETTE become a snowy one. You'd only have to make one map...unless you wanted the season to affect the map.