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01-09-2003, 10:08 PM
I was up really late last night because I had a nice espresso about an hour before i had to go to bed. That's not what this post is about, but that's where it spawned.

I get up at like 2am, go across the hall to my buddy Tom's room, and we talk about how boring our lives are. After an hour and multiple random thoughts, we came upon the conclusion that Non-destructive conflict will solve all of our problems. Let me explain

My group of friends is boring. We never fight. I could use some fighting.

Second, when there is external conflict, I don't focus on the internal. That's nice

Lastly, with the Non-destructive part, nobody really gets hurt, but our problems aren't focused on.

I don't know how anybody else can even begin to interpret this, but it sure makes a ton of sense on my side. Let it help you all out.

El Oso Verde
01-09-2003, 10:34 PM
So are you guys going to beat the crap out of each other with nerf gloves or something?

01-09-2003, 10:39 PM
Hell, Nerf makes gloves now? I thought they were limited to bats and pained foam balls.

Anyway, that makes a decent amount of sense... healthy for the friendship, healthy for your sanity. And all is right with the world.

01-10-2003, 12:40 AM
Yeah, I've thought that before, and it's quite true. I guess it's part of our nature to have peace, and if there is too much peace we break something or insult someone and then say we are sorry and we feel like we actually accomplished something.

01-10-2003, 03:53 AM
Here are the 2 examples of non-destructive conflict that I have done in the past 2 days. They are very strange, and rightfully so. I'm a completely different person than I have been before new years. in 2002, I was motivated to work on my ZC quest. in 2003, i just don't wanna. In 2002, I had great friends, in 2003, I really don't like my friends.

on to the examples -

1) I got done eating dinner one day, and as I leave the campus dining service, you must walk through the campus P.O. boxes. well, one of the doors were broken, so i took the small 2" x 3" glass plate w/ the door number on it, and put it in my pocket. I made my way back to my room, and looked up who this door window belonged to. Somebody in Erickson 801. i made my way over there, opened up the person's door, and he wasn't there. Nor his roomy. I simply placed it on the desk, and left. That's conflict #1. Non-destructive. Not only will that person wonder wtf was going on, but why it was there, who did it, and just be nuts.

2) This one involved some detective work. I am trying to make some new friends. Tonight, I went upstairs to Galen's room, and he and his roomate were both on their respective computers doing random crap. Galen said something about how he laughed at puns, so i kept that in mind for the stunt.
As the night grew on, and multiple episodes of SeaQuest 2021 (from CN's Adult Swim) His girlfriend (achoo... bullshit) called, and was on the phone with her for ump-amount of time. He wouldn't tell me who she was, so I did a little research, found out the girl, went to my room and printed off a TON of puns on a sheet of paper. I walked over to the girl's room, and knocked on the door. She was naturally on the phone STILL because that's all you crazy gals know what to do. (oh i'm kidding.. lol) I handed her the sheet without saying anything else, and left promptly. Non-destructive conflict. Of course I went up to my friends room afterward and had a good laugh, and I don't know if he appreciated it or not, (he's one of those people in the 'non-likeable' column, so he doesn't get along with anybody, really) but he couldn't understand why it was done, and he sure the heck didn't think any of the puns were funny. They were horrible.

That's what my conflict entails. I'll do more as the week goes on, and if any of you have any ideas, hook me up. :evil: