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01-09-2003, 04:47 PM
I read in this month's Playboy that someone who had recorded a song (4 minutes plus in lenght) in the 80's had come to claim a copyright on the very sound of silence itself... So from here on out silence lasting anywhere between 0 seconds, and 10 minutes long will now require the artist to express permission to use it, and if this does not happen it will become copyright infringment, and royalties would be owed...

How's that for a crock of shit? I mean I hate long dramatic silent pauses (usually found in trance or smelly hippy music... not classic, but modern hippy "music) but this is going too far.

I'll pull up some more details in a bit.

01-09-2003, 05:14 PM
Sounds like someones idea to make a quick bit of cash, you know, like trying to sue the Fast food companies because your fat...

01-09-2003, 05:56 PM
hmm.. so the minute of silence found in the new Soulfly album is copyright infringement?? bull shet if you ask me. Its people like this that need to take the stick out of their asses and earn a legitimate buck.

01-09-2003, 05:57 PM
I bet there's a cult of these kind of people. They sit in their basements thinking of the stupidest ways to get money, like sueing fast food places cause they are fat, but never noticed the litre of fat at the bottom of their fries.

Here's their next evil, insane plan that would never work because they'd get humilliated nationally, so they go home and sulk, and commit suicide, so their family can try to sue the gaming industry because they made they're son commit suicide. Woah, try saying THAT in one breathe.

"What are we gonna do tonight, earl?"
"Try to sue Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony for promoting violence in games, even though they have ESRB ratings which tell you if anything bad is in it, like blood and gore!"
"sounds like a plan to me"

01-09-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic
I read in this month's Playboy that someone who had recorded a song (4 minutes plus in lenght) in the 80's had come to claim a copyright on the very sound of silence itself... So from here on out silence lasting anywhere between 0 seconds, and 10 minutes long will now require the artist to express permission to use it, and if this does not happen it will become copyright infringment, and royalties would be owed...

Sounds like people are only angry because they didn't think of it first.

01-09-2003, 06:40 PM

Maverik X
01-09-2003, 07:23 PM
*Pauses for 10 minutes and 1 second of silence*

Hah!! I don't have to pay royalties!!! BITE ME!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

OK, got out my little daily insanity thing. For my sane comment, it's one of the stupidest things I ever heard. (I wonder if "stupidest" is a word.....)

Dr. Mutagen
01-09-2003, 07:24 PM
Korn did about 48 seconds of silence at the beginning of their album "Follow the Leader." On the videogame lawsuit issue, I think it's stupid. I play violent video games all the time and in reality I'm not a violent person. In fact, those rail shooters in the arcades help to improve my reflexes and teach me self-defense. ;)