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View Full Version : MY 1st quest

01-06-2003, 09:49 PM
:D :naughty:

Ahem Ahem, I am oficially anoncing my new quest!
The Dark Ages I
34% done!

Its really good so Far!

Dark Jim
01-06-2003, 10:04 PM
I suggest you post screenshots (people love screenies) and some more info like the storyline, how big it will be, some special features you may have included.

Just saying you're working on a quest won't sparkle interest I'm afraid. :shrug:

Dr. Mutagen
01-06-2003, 10:11 PM
Hmmm.. I guess that's what's wrong with my COC thread. Malo, I'd also suggest showing us some info about the game, basically some of the features that this quest has. Sorry to put so much pressure on ya, it just perks up some more interest if you have some info in there. Thanks!

EDIT: Whoops! I shoulda read Dark Jim's post a little more clearly. Broken Record Syndrome!! ACK!!! :eek:

01-06-2003, 10:40 PM
Dr. Mutagen, are you a "coc" lover?...jk, anyways, yeah post some "screenies", Malo...then maybe we'll start looking forward to your quest! :)

01-11-2003, 09:58 PM

How do i post screenies?????

And heres some info or some really half assed sumarry

Long ago in the golden age there was a myth.
The myth fortold the destiny of a princess who will be the source of all that lives and once she has died the land of hyrule will go with it.

One night on the princess's birthday she was kidnapped
by 4 elemental mages called the Satyr who are intending to take
over Hyrule.....

(heres the part to get you motivated)
You must now take up your master sword and avert this
horrible fate!!! Destiny calls in the begining of this epic quest of swords& sorcery.

Oh yea, you can use magic.

39% complete
