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01-05-2003, 01:47 PM
Last night, me and my friends were bored and so we decided to goto the movies. When we got there, the only movies that were going to play soon were Two Weeks Notice and Lord of teh Rings: Teh Two Towers. So we decided to see LotR cause we rented the first one and it wasn't bad (but not awesome). While we were in line, the 7:00 showing suddenly got sold out! So we left, went to two malls (looking for socks o.0) then we went back to the movies to see what time the other showing of LotR was for (it was 10.50, btw) and when we were looking, one of another dude I know said to pick him up cause he wants to go now...so had to go all the way back to the suburbs and get him.

Then, we went back the the movies again to buy our 10:50 LotR tickets then we when to our "hang out spot", the Taco Bell on the same street as the Palace, and pigged out (that is like a tradition for us.) So then, we went back the The Palace at around 9:45 and waited like 30 minutes for the seating of the movie could start. While, we were waiting, I saw nerds..(yes they were...they had HUGE glasses and acne and nasal voices) and a lot of people that goto my school which was wierd cause the Clearview Mall Palace is always full of preps that goto private schools. o.0 If you wanna know, me and my friends standed out from them cause we got baggy clothes and he other 3 I was with had shirts that said "Vatos Locos" (Crazy Dudes). I wasn't there to buy one of those shirts... ;-;, they have little dudes on it and a 64' Chevy lowrider and a lowrider bike.

So anyway, finally I got to see Teh Two Towars. It wasn't worse or better the the first one. They talk to much in it though. I was about to fall asleep on my friend's arm but if he was a girl, I'd be snoring on her. My fav part was the when Legolas dude slid down the stairs and kicked ass and when Gollum was having a skitzo moment.

WH47 4 W13RD S47URD4Y 1 H4D0rz!


So for the poll question, who did you see most at the movies when you saw LotR?

01-05-2003, 02:03 PM
if by "they" you mean the nerdy kids, they are pathetic nerds! Dont kill them, just make fun of them.

01-05-2003, 02:23 PM
Let's see... the first time I went, there were a bunch of nerds present who did the following:
-Clapped when the opening credits started
-Laughed at just about everything
-Whistled at the beginning of the scene with Aragorn and the elf chick... uh... Arwen.
-Clapped loudly at the end

The second time wasn't so bad, because we were in a different theater in a different town, so people were better... behaved.

And the third time was at the same theater as the first, except now with a bunch of little kids behind me laughing like hyenas at everything. And some dipshits in the front row as well.

But none of that compares to when I went to see the first movie for the first time and saw a bunch of kids standing around with fricken bedsheets tied around their shoulders.

01-05-2003, 02:52 PM
I went to see it last night too! I went with my Dad and my brother. We hoped to catch the 8:45pm show, but because it took us forever to find a parking spot at the mall which has the movie theatre, it was sold out. So we got tickets for the 9:45pm show.

I loved the first one, and I think The Two Towers was even better. I honestly think when the 3rd part is released this trilogy will go down as the best ever!

I can't wait for the 3rd one!

01-05-2003, 04:42 PM
heh, there were little to no nerds when I saw it. Though I did go to a mall looking for a place to trade in a game I got for christmas and went into a store called gaming unlimited. I thought there would be video games but there was just a big ass table with 2 castles and little people and other shit there. 6 nerds with charasitics you described were there. Scairest thing I had ever seen... That mall was full of em...

01-05-2003, 05:18 PM
Well whent with my dad.....loved it cant wait for the third....gotta disagree with you read the forgotten realms series....if even one of those trilogys is made into a movie would be best. Yes there were lotsa nerds but mainly preps...and they were the worst preps the ones that cant say anything over 3 sylabals....and there b/f just stand there and look stupid...or "cool". Well anyway i think that they shoulda done hobbit movie first.....think that there going to do it at the end kinda the finally....like one of those see where it all started things

01-05-2003, 05:31 PM
I don't really pay much attension to what other people are, just what they are doing. I also don't go to the movies much, because there isn't that much to see.

01-05-2003, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by plith
Let's see... the first time I went, there were a bunch of nerds present who did the following:
-Clapped when the opening credits started
-Laughed at just about everything
-Whistled at the beginning of the scene with Aragorn and the elf chick... uh... Arwen.
-Clapped loudly at the end

Wow... That's exactly what happened when I saw Attack of the Clones... Except, they were whistling at Padme... Either her, or Yoda... I couldn't tell...

Michael Moore
01-05-2003, 07:29 PM
I have yet to go see TTT.:(

01-05-2003, 08:42 PM
When I saw it I was in there with a bunch of Theater employees and their family and friends. :)

01-05-2003, 08:47 PM
Chinese people. They brought in their little 6 and 3-year old (I'm guessing). I'm like, "Man, aren't they a little YOUNG to be in a PG-13 movie?"

Flame Boy
01-05-2003, 11:12 PM
I didn't see to many nerds. Not that I was looking for any. I guess I glance around a bit, but I don't look around to much, but when my friends and I went most of the people looked like us (normal if you could say that).

01-06-2003, 01:47 AM
I should of secretly haxx0rzed their nachos when they were watching the elf and man make out scene!


01-06-2003, 11:30 AM
i havent seen it.....Im prolly not gonna go.

Best movie experiance I ever had was just recently when I watched the ring....There were all these little 12 year olds screaming at everything scarey....

Then all was quiet and a black teacher showed up on the screen. My buddy screamed "Ah a nigger" at the top of his lungs. The stupid ass made us look racist as hell....I almost died laughing though cause it was the dumbest fricking thing in the world.

Oh well what can you do.....

01-06-2003, 04:19 PM
You know, you're only saying that "teh" Lord of "teh" rings is bad 'cos you think everyone else duzznt like it, arent yoooooooo?