View Full Version : alot of questions

01-04-2003, 02:17 PM
:pimp: :lol: :lmao: :laughing: :evil: :cyclops: :mega: :blackmage:

Question No 1
How do i make the people talk?

Question no 2
How do i point the location of where you start?

Question no 3
How do I make the entrence to the dungeon

Question no 4
Can you put it in turms a fool could understand??:nerd:

01-04-2003, 02:33 PM
1: this is really just an "illusion" but here's how to pull it off: make two duplicate screens. On each screen, add the person you want Link to "talk" to (in the same spot). Next, in the first screen, put a combo identical to the ground but with a "pit" combo type right infront of the person you want link to talk to. Make the tile warp an "insta-warp" type to instantly warp link to the duplicate screen. On the duplicate screen, put in the desired message string. (first you must make the string in quest-->strings menu). Then add the first guy (Abei). Now go to the tile editor and delete the guy that looks like an old man on the first page. Go to quest-->rules and check the one that says something like "no guy fires". Now go to the second screen, the one with the message string set. Put the ground combo with the pit combo type in all spaces adjacent to the spot where you had put the combo in the first screen (so that when link moves away, the string goes away). By the way, i think the second screen has to be a part of a dungeon or cave type in order to display the string. Plus, the spot where Link warps on the first, should be on the lower half of the screen because when strings are placed, you cannot have Link on the upper half or he'll get stuck because the upper hafl becomes unwalkable when a message string and a guy are placed in a room. Hopes this helps.

01-04-2003, 02:46 PM
Come on, don't call yourself a fool.

Since question 1 was answered, I'll do the rest.

2. Open up what is called the d-map editor. it should be found in the same place as the graphics and midis editors. The first thing you do is select which map you want d-map 0 to start on. I assume that you want to start on the first map, so that won't need touching. I also assume that you changed the d-map's attrabute to overworld, or possibly a cave.

As for starting, look for the word continue and type in the screen you wish to start at. Now, go to that screen and press page down untill you see a blue and green squares. The blue square is the spot you appear after a warp, and the green square is the one where you appear after you continue your game, or start you game. Place those squares where you want link to appear. This should do it for that question.

3. Making the enterence to a dungeon is simple. first, build a map with your dungeon, then make a d-map for it. A d-map, if you havent guessed, is short for dungeon map. While the actual dungeon is contained on the map, some information, like where you continue, what the dungeon behaves like(dungeon, overworld, cave), what music is loaded, and maps and such. Set it up the way you want it.

To make an enterence, go the start of your dungeon, place the continue squares like I showed you before, but this time make sure that they are at the very bottom of the screen, in the dead centre and very bottom of the lower doors. If they are anywhere else, link's enterence animation won't look right. Then make a side warp going out of the dungeon to the spot where you are going to enter it. go to the spot on the overworld and do the same, only this time a tile warp, and go to the dungeon enterence.

I hope this works, if you still have questions, you can consult the official quest tutorial for more help, there's a link in one of the frozen topics in this forum.

01-04-2003, 02:46 PM

Thats alot to remember but i will try and pull it off....
Thanks for your help!

01-11-2003, 12:41 AM
answers to 1 & 2 can be found in the zquest tutorial on the zelda classic homepage.