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View Full Version : A new forum hack? (next to our names)

01-04-2003, 01:59 PM
My browser just now refreshed and what do I see? An image place holder above my name labeled "Rijuhn is Online now", "[Insert Memeber] is offline now" above everyone's name.

I refresh again and now I see a little vB check symbol (this is it: http://www.armageddongames.net/images/on.gif )next to everyone's name on the left. Was this just implemented right now, or have I never noticed it until today?

01-04-2003, 02:05 PM
i dont see it anywhere.... i think every theme is different but its always had the little vb check mark

01-04-2003, 02:10 PM
If this is some kind of suggestion I really dont find it necessary, AGN already has the list of members online now at the top of the main page.

01-04-2003, 02:13 PM
Man, don't any of you see the little vB check mark next to your names? Check on the left. I'm using Hyrule Nights so that might be why. Let me test with a few other themes, that might be the problem.

01-04-2003, 02:30 PM
No, that icon has always been there, at least I've always seen it. The text you saw "[member] is online now" is probably the alternate text that is put in place of the image before it actually loads.

Another place this is used is in the Forum Leaders link at the bottom on the main forum page. It lists all the staff, and that icon is right next to their name to let you know if they're online right now.

01-04-2003, 02:32 PM
That's always been there. I believe it was there since the switch to VB.
Basically, if it's yellow, the member's online and if it's gray, the member is not online.

01-04-2003, 02:33 PM
This has always been in, I know because it has somthing like that in the PM box.

01-04-2003, 03:04 PM
It has always been there. Where have you been? :)

01-04-2003, 03:09 PM
for some reason i've noticed it and paid no attention. but now i'm consciously seeing it...