View Full Version : combo cycling problem

01-03-2003, 10:25 AM
pic 1 (members.aol.com/donkeybrayjnr/images/block.GIF )

Heres a trap which I am tring to make work, and this is what is supposed to happen.

I have tried...
*layers and tiles under it which change combos(but was out of timing)

*using tiles which use combo cycling as layers to get the timing the same (only to find out that they dont cycle when they are used on a layer)

*only used combo cycling and no layers (was a pain in the @$$ to make but I did it)

pic 2 (members.aol.com/donkeybrayjnr/images/blocktwo.GIF )

The problem now is that the bottom- right tile of the block is going up and down at the wrong time, and I dont know why.
the speed is the same as the other tiles, the right tiles have been selected. But it still dosnt work properly. Does anyone know why?

pic 3 (members.aol.com/donkeybrayjnr/images/blockthree.GIF )

This is what happens

01-03-2003, 12:52 PM
great graphics and great idea!!! hhm...i'm not sure...make absolutely sure that they use the same # of frames and same speed and same layer...i want those graphcis!!..hehehe...just out of curiousity, what is the B item supposed to be?

01-03-2003, 01:25 PM
When I will release SI, I am planning on taking all of the good tiles out and send them to the tile shop, for others to use, so you will just have to wait;).

The B weapon is a plasma ball (magic boomerang)

Now this is strange:odd:
The numbers, the tiles, the spped, ect.... Were all right, I checked over them about 7 times.
After a while, I desided to scrap the bottom-right tile and make it again, the numbers were still the same as the one before, but it works now:odd: