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View Full Version : Atari Adventure

Jack Spencer Jr
01-02-2003, 12:00 AM
OK, I've been fiddling with the Quest Editor lately with an idea I've had for a while but have only recently decided to give a try. Partially because of the 2600 quest which, I'm sorry, it looks spiffy and all but that does not look like Atari 2600 graphics at all.

I'm not making an original quest at this point, just editing the tiles so that it looks like, for the most part, Atari graphics. All beautiful and blocky. I am drawing on the Atarti cartridge Adventure for the most part, but I am taking character ideas form other games out of necessity.

Let me tell you, the game feels very different with link turned into a big square.

I'm down the the character editing at this writing, which I suspect will take the longest since I have to decide what to turn each character into, then do it, then check it, then fix it. But is I work steadily, I should have it done in about a week. More realistic projections are about two or so.

So far I've turned the Octorocks into the tanks from combat, and they look pretty good. You simply have to see what I turned the Goyrias into to believe it

Anyhoo... is there much interest for this?

Dr. Mutagen
01-02-2003, 12:05 AM
This would definitely put an interesting spin on the original Zelda quest which has been revamped and remade millions of times. Being a nostalgic Atari fan, I say go for it!! :thumbsup:

Oh, yeah. If you want that true Atari feel to the game, I wouldn't recommend putting any music in the game, unless you can find some tracker music from Atari games.

Jack Spencer Jr
01-05-2003, 02:05 PM
OK. I have most of the tiles edited and am now looking for beta testers for it. So send me an email address and I'll send you the quest file.

Dr. Mutagen
01-05-2003, 05:05 PM
Here's mine:

[email protected]

Man, I'm excited to try this out!

01-05-2003, 05:21 PM
[email protected]

Jack Spencer Jr
01-06-2003, 11:49 PM
Some observations to try to get the ball rolling on discussion, and maybe entice more beta testers.

In editing the tiles I used two different approaches:
* turn the tile into a appropriate Atari character such as I turned the Octorocks into the tank from Combat

* I "Atari-ized" the character to make them blocky and less colorful. I did this to the Lyonel (sp?) for lack of a better idea.

I turned Link into the square as seen in the original Adventure. But since he would still have a shield, I needed to give him one. I decided to use a little dot, which I think is a typical Atari thing to do. However, it really didn't look right moving up & down because it would wiggle back and forth. I lack the skill with the editor at this point to do better, so I edited all of the characters for link a second time and now the square bops as it moves, which makes a rather nifty walking movement.

I made the overworld more blocky simply by filling in the tile, but the diagonal 1/2 tiles remain so and Link-square and walk into them.

Link-square and also still walk in front of objects. Is there a way to fix this?

I appears to me that most Atari sprites, at least from what I can see, were 20 x 16. just 4 pixels too tall to be perfect. Doggonit!

Mostly I need to build up my skill with the editor. A lot of simple tasks I really don't know how to do. I need to change the music and the sound f/x...what sounded like a fun lark is now a full-blown project. Augh!

01-08-2003, 09:16 AM
i will be happy to make a sfx.dat file for you if you give me the right sounds and can you send it to me at [email protected]

Dr. Mutagen
01-08-2003, 11:34 AM
I beat the quest about a couple days ago. The quest definitely has the feel of an Atari game. I didn't see any major bugs in it. All you need to do is give the darknuts, gleeoks, lanmolas, dodongos, patras, Ganon, and Zelda the "Atari Treatment." This is a cool quest and is definitely an interesting twist on the original LOZ.