View Full Version : I Know How To Make Locked Treasure Chests!

01-01-2003, 10:47 PM
its actually extemely simple..its just like making a regular treasure chest with a few changes:

first, make two identical closed treasure chest combos directly next to each other. The one on the left must be a lock block or boss lock combo (depending on which key you want to have to use). Make both of the closed treasure chest combos totally unwalkable (completely sold/red). Make the second closed chest a slash-->item combo. Then make the under combo the open chest combo, which should have the top half unwalkable. Place the closed, lock block treasure chest combo on the screen as desired. Place flag 10 (armos-->item) under it. Go to room type, select special item; finally, select the special item combo and Vuala!!! its that simple!

if you want to make a treasure chest appear after defeating enemy:
Make the screen you want the treasure chest to "appear" on. Then make a duplicate of that screen and make the regular or locked treasure chest as desired on that duplicate screen. Go back to the first, original screen. Set the enemies and check the enemies-->secrets in the screen data selection. Make identical combos for all walkable tiles on that screen and set the to the pit type, and then set secret tile flags (flag #s 16-32) as appropriate and define them as combos that appear to be like the floor except are the pit warps. Set the tile warp type to insta warp and set it to the duplicate screen with the treasure chest and there ya have it! (note that you have to make warps on the duplicate screen back to the original or side warps to the adjacent room of the original and also, when you return, the treasure chest won't be there). You could do this with regular weapon flags too.

01-01-2003, 11:07 PM
I could have sworn that DarkSFK and Dart_Zader posted a thread just like this. :shrug:

01-01-2003, 11:34 PM
And I figured this out long before all of you did.

01-01-2003, 11:56 PM
Locked treasure chests? Yes, you did come up with the original treasure chests. And don't worry, we won't forget to give you credit it for it from now on every time it is mentioned...
But lock blocks are newer, and I think that's what IDK was trying to get at.

01-02-2003, 01:06 AM
Yes, but I figured it, ah forget it, you can have the credit for this one. Besides, I'm getting sick of competing against other people.

01-02-2003, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by Jigglysaint
Yes, but I figured it, ah forget it, you can have the credit for this one. Besides, I'm getting sick of competing against other people.

I found your post (http://armageddongames.net/showthread.php?s=&postid=765260#post765260) about it. ;)

01-02-2003, 04:09 PM
damn it! just when i thought an idea was pretty good, i'm not the first one to come up with it!!! AHH!! hahaha...its ok..i guess..

01-02-2003, 04:36 PM
Innovation comes with experence. Don't be afraid to use flags with different combos, and other things to find effects that are cool. I'm sure if I decided to put flag 10 on a slash combo, somebody else would have.

01-02-2003, 05:58 PM
ok.. but the problem is i have to have a fracken key to open it up.. that ain't cool at all, no is it?