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View Full Version : This is the stupidest think I've ever seen on AIM...

01-01-2003, 06:10 AM
I got this message a few minutes ago...

CONGRATULATIONS! You have won AIM.com's "Being online for 200 hours award"! To claim your prize, type in your account information below.

01-01-2003, 06:56 AM
haha... what screenname was it from?

01-01-2003, 07:21 AM
I forgot the numbers now but it was AIMOfficer####. I would pay to see someone actually fall for that...

01-01-2003, 08:36 AM
Ha ha, some people are so stupid to do things like that...

01-01-2003, 08:55 AM
Bah, I'll bet it was someone acting like a repesentative of AIM. I've had someone tell me that my AOL account was fucked up, and that I would have to pay shitloads of money to fix it, but I didn't even have one at the time; I was just using AIM.

01-01-2003, 03:38 PM
People think they are the shit when fooling people on AOL.. too bad all of the really old ladies don't know what's real or not.. they are the ones that are keeping this 'business' going

01-01-2003, 04:01 PM
lmao, can't they read "AOL will never ask for you login information/billing information"? lmao.

01-01-2003, 04:08 PM
Just give them fake info and begone with them(and block them).

01-01-2003, 05:27 PM
A while ago about 4 differrent people started bombarding me with porn links and saying come to our porn site ect...:odd:
All together I got about 30 IMs:eek:
Luckly, my mum wasnt near when this happened.

Michael Moore
01-01-2003, 05:30 PM
People on AIM are crazy. I don't go on it that much. But I usually don't fall for anything anymore. Speacially the really stupid ones. 200 hours winner....what a dope to try that.

Fatty Lumpkin
01-01-2003, 06:53 PM
I can't stand people who watch for new members to sign up for any IM service. I signed up for ICQ and within 10 seconds I had a girl saying she wanted to 'make new friends' and I should visit her site.

01-01-2003, 08:18 PM
I also got one once with a link from someone (with a non AOL sounding name as well) saying "Your AOL account has been charged 1,264$, and you order will process in two days. To change or cancel this order, please click here."

Some people are just stupid.

01-01-2003, 08:49 PM
HAHA thats kinda funny i have aim but i dont get messed with for some odd reason

01-01-2003, 09:12 PM
Hah, I once played a prank on Alpro and got him to think he had to change his ScreenName because "Alpro Online Casino" had sued AOL. He played right into it, it was perfect. Wish I'd have saved the log. ;)

01-01-2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by blckscab
A while ago about 4 differrent people started bombarding me with porn links and saying come to our porn site ect...:odd:
All together I got about 30 IMs:eek:
Luckly, my mum wasnt near when this happened.

Everytime I get on AIM, that happenes to me. But I just go "STFU and get a life" and then I block em'.

You would have to be a fool to fall for that trick.

01-02-2003, 04:31 AM
I just tell them that their claim has been forwarded to the US FBI and to have a nice day. :shrug:

01-02-2003, 01:05 PM
That reminds of something that happened to a friend of mine. We all used to play this online RPG called Helbreath. He got his character up to like level 64 which was fairly respectable. One day when his little brother was playing, he(the little brother) saw someone advertising a page that had helbreath hacks on it. When you go to the page it seems blatently obvious its fake. It asks for all your account info and asks for all the stats you want on your char as well as special spells. It claims it needs your account information because all character data is stored on the Helbreath servers. Unfortunately, my friend's little brother didn't realize it was fake, and he typed in all the information. Two days later he told his brother he "forgot" the password. The truth is that the person who made the site had logged on his name and changed the password, thereby stealing the character.

Both of us stopped playing the game shortly after this because we realized how much it sucked to do all that work for nothing.