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View Full Version : Newcomer that needs help on a qest or two...

12-30-2002, 09:43 AM
Hello everyone this is Tudorcat from Sweden I am a zeldaholic like the rest of you I guess. This is my first post ever but hopefully there are more to come. I am REALLY into playing all these new customer quests but not thinking about creating any ones my self at least not yet. Currently I am playing 3 quests and I am more or less stuck on 2 of them :
1 Alpadawgs unofficiall 3rd quest where I can find the arrow but not the bow in level 2

2 Mr Tuvais quest where I just get smashed by a evil blue darknut in level 7, any hints on that ? I have finished all other levels and found the last one as well but abandoned the quest since I am stuck.

3 Revenge 2 by I cant remember :confused: where I am at level 4 which is filled with some invisible fast moving things that tend to kill you pretty quickly , I am trying to get the hookshot at the moment but havent made it yet but soon.

I hope some helpful soul will hear my calls for help and that I havent spelled all that badbut I just blame it on all the cold and snow outside that makes my finger go numb so I cant type ;)

Over and out from Tudorcat :female: :kitty:

carrot red
12-30-2002, 10:20 AM
Welcome on board, Tudorcat
I can't help you on the first 2 because
I played Alphadawg's a long long time ago
and I'm stuck on Mr. Tuvais' the same as you

However, what you need to find first in your level 4 of R2
is the cross that allows you to see the "evil invisible fast moving things".
I wish I could tell you where, but I played it a long time ago too

12-30-2002, 12:29 PM
Thanks anyway, maybe there is someone else that remembers?

01-01-2003, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Tudorcat
3 Revenge 2 by I cant remember :confused: where I am at level 4 which is filled with some invisible fast moving things that tend to kill you pretty quickly , I am trying to get the hookshot at the moment but havent made it yet but soon. PrinceMSC (the author) was kind enough to give the password if you need help...it's 440. ;)

01-01-2003, 05:38 PM
Wow, thats nice !! Let us just hope that I know how to use the password ... is it just to type it in where it says cheat on the meny? Tell PrinceMSC I am very grateful and it was very nice of him/her to help me and thank you Happyman for making me a "Happywoman"

Happy New year by the way

01-01-2003, 08:00 PM
Try opening it in ZQuest. It'll ask you for a password. Type in 440. Once there, go to the quest menu at the top and find "Cheats". Then "Enable Cheats" and make a cheat for #4. When you use the player, go to the cheat menu and type in the cheat you made. You'll be able to edit a lotta stuff.

01-01-2003, 10:08 PM
Lol I tryed to understand that zquest program all I could figure out was how to change lots of things on the map, It never asked for a password when I opened it either, I thought you said it would do that right?

I opened zquest and opened revenge 2 and after that I couldnt figure out what command to use but at least I have made it through level 4 and 5 now, grins I just went to level 5 grabbed a key from one of the rooms and went beck to level 4 .

This has opened up my eyes a bit about how "hard" it is to make a custum quest. I mean how long it will take and so on and now. I am even more impressed with all of those out there that creates more good exciting quests for me to play ; )
Maybe I will try it someday, when I have gotten more used to the words such as tiles and flags....and acctually understanding the meaning od them