View Full Version : Stop the Ring Colors Before it's too late! :P

12-27-2002, 05:15 PM
1.) Is there a way to keep Link from switching colors once he gets a ring? I know you can make all the CSets he uses the same but then that would screw up all the enemies that use those CSets. Would it not?

2.) Except for a few of the bosses all enemies use the colors on the Sprite palettes. Is this right? So that means I can make palettes on the Main Palette and it will not interfere with the enemies colors. Yes, no, maybe so?

12-28-2002, 04:57 AM
1) It's the CSets in extra sprite palette set 1 that determine what color Link changes when you get rings. I think it's CSets 6-8 in ESP1. You can change those without touching the other palettes.

2) That's right, all enemies use CSets 7-9, except for a few bosses that use the first several CSets in extra sprite palette set 1. So as long as you work around those CSets in your main palette, you'll be OK.

12-28-2002, 01:55 PM
*bows elegantly to Foxx* Thank you kind sir. This has been perplexing me for quite some time now.

12-28-2002, 03:23 PM
Pol's Voice uses Cset 6, and rope 2, and the bubble flash through Csets 6,7,8,9

12-28-2002, 04:15 PM
Yeah, I saw that on the table at Zelda Classics main site. It should be easy enough to work around. Thanks VEL.

I have a new question, however. What uses CSets 10 and 11?

12-28-2002, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by Lonemind
Yeah, I saw that on the table at Zelda Classics main site. It should be easy enough to work around. Thanks VEL.

I have a new question, however. What uses CSets 10 and 11?

I don't think anything has to use Cset 10 & 11, but you can use it for items and other things. I'm guessing they where added to be used for more enemy Csets, since in BS example the Csets in 10 & 11 are enemy Csets from BS Zelda.

12-29-2002, 12:00 AM
This makes things that much easier. Thanks again, VEL.