View Full Version : The Agony!

12-27-2002, 04:58 PM
So I was munching on some Reese's peanut butter cups, and suddenly I got this most painful sensation in one of my right molars. It reminds me of chewing on tin foil with my fillings. I quickly cleaned off the tooth, but the pain remained. It took a good 5 minutes before it stopped feeling like it was eating a whole in my tooth. Now, every time I eat chocolate the pain returns. Strangely enough I can still mow down the nerds without a problem.

I got all this chocolate for Christmas and now I can't eat it. Is this someone's idea of a joke?

12-28-2002, 03:41 AM
since having my wisdom teeth cut out, i've had an off and on problem with my molars being sensitive. sometimes it's cold stuff, sometimes it's sweet stuff...there really doesn't seem to be any way to tell what's going to cause a problem. my dentist suggested switching toothpastes when it happens to sensodyne or aquafresh sensitive. after the first day or two, the pain fades and after about a week it's gone altogether. i've always finished the tube tho, because that's what he's told me to do. it can't hurt to try it and see what happens. the smaller tube (not the trial size, the 6 oz one, maybe?) seems to work just fine. although the sensodyne has a funky aftertaste that bothers me, so i usually use the aquafresh for sensitive teeth.

Lone Wolf
12-28-2002, 09:55 AM
I haven't had nerds for such along time. OOO!!! What about the gummie nerds too. :D

12-28-2002, 12:58 PM
Thanks for the tip. I'll just have to steal some of my parent's toothpaste(aquafresh sensitive).

12-28-2002, 04:14 PM
I can't eat a whole lot of caramel, it makes my teeth hurt, so I feel your pain. It doesn't even have to be he chewy caramel, it can be like the syrup your put on your ice cream, and it still makes my teeth hurt.

Michael Moore
12-28-2002, 04:16 PM
I have sensitive teeth too cold things, that why I don't care much for Ice cream anymore. I should use senstine, or whatever, but I usually use Crest.

12-28-2002, 04:50 PM
my teeth are somewhat sensitive, since when i was just born i got antibiotics to get rid of a fever i had, which made my adult teeth form without as much enamel on them as most people.

12-29-2002, 03:36 AM
/me eats a large bowl of ice cream with a cup of hot chocolate, and caramel syrup mixed with crushed chocolate candies on his ice cream.

No problems here.

12-31-2002, 11:10 PM
Damn you ICHBENDASWASLROSS!!!! IT'S NOT FAIR!!! :crying:

You are very lucky to have un-sensitive teeth. Most people I know have teeth that are sensitive to something, whether that is cold, sweet, hot, etc. I can drink hot stuff fine, but anything cold hurts my molars and front teeth especially.

If I drink a cup if lemonade and then munch on a cracker I get the worse teeth pain, and I can feel my heart pulse in my teeth. AHHHA...thinking about it makes my teeth hurt.

If I eat enough sweets my teeth get sweet-sensitive, so when I eat anything sweet, like candy, my teeth will hurt.

I really should check out the sensitive toothpaste stuff, but I forget to.

Drunken Tiger
01-01-2003, 12:44 AM
I dont understand all this teeth shit...

Do we all have to have them pulled out??