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12-26-2002, 06:37 PM
If you click the New Enemy Tiles in the Rules section do any of the old enemy tiles on the first page need to be kept?

12-26-2002, 07:29 PM
The Goriya, and Moblin "guys" still use the old enemy tiles.

12-27-2002, 03:50 PM
Only the "guys"? All right.
What would happen if I put another tile in one of the other "guys" spots? Would they show up as that tile?
For instance, I put a flower where Aba is and then use Aba as a guy. Dunno why I'd do that, but it might come in handy to know.
Or how about Zelda? Won't I need to keep her in the same place so she will be animated as holding the Triforce up when you beat the game?

12-27-2002, 04:11 PM
All guys still use the same tile positions as they used to. This means that whatever tiles you put in their spaces, that's what they'll show up as. So now the 'moblin' and 'goriya' guys can actually be something else if you need more villagers.

Or, you can always fake a guy by putting it on layer 1 or 2 (this allows you to use one of the csets you would normally use for them without messing up your scenery). This also lets you have guys in non-standard positions, or even animated guys.

12-27-2002, 04:19 PM
*nods* I knew that much. I can delete one of the guys and just use that one over and over again and replace him.
However, does that still work with Zelda?? Does she not need to animate at the correct time to hold up the Triforce at the end?