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12-25-2002, 09:46 PM
What are some good rpgs or action/adventure games for playstation 2?

12-25-2002, 09:57 PM
kingdom hearts, dbz budokai, hmmm i can't think of anymore :(

12-26-2002, 04:51 AM
If you like old school games, shinobi, maximo, and contra are good. As far as RPGs go, FFX, Wild Arms 3, and Legaia 2 are pretty sweet.
If you're looking for a good creation game, try fighter maker 2. It takes up a bit of memory, but you get to create your own fighters, and they got lots of clothes for you to choose from(I made a hooker:D).

Michael Moore
12-26-2002, 07:14 AM
Lord of the rings: The Two Towers is good. I played it for a few stages in EB. Has nice gameplay. Lots of hack, slash and block though. You can also shoot arrows and face lots of the creatures. The mechanics of the game is great. With nice movements when blocking and fighting. Plus you get to pick who you want to be every so often in the game.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is another one you should try. It plays very well and has tons of missions to complete. As you complete you get money in which you can buy guns and property around the city. Aswell as opening up new missions for the property you buy.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty has to be one of the best. It may not allow for alot of gameplay with snake, but you can always get substance for that.

Silent Hill 2: I have to recommend this game. It is very scarey. Not in the Resident Evil pop out and scare you, but with the visuals and SFX. The game is great to play with the lights off. o.o

Dead to rights looks awesome, but I can't say its good cause I have yet to try it.

For RPGs? hmm, I haven't played many on my PS2. I only played half way through FF10. I didn't mind the game so you could check it out.

12-26-2002, 11:10 PM
Kingdom Hearts kicks so much ass. It's like a combination of Zelda and Secret of Mana in terms of its style, and it plays beautifully :D

12-27-2002, 03:41 AM
FFX is the best RPG on PS2 IMHO, Suikoden 3's pretty damn good too

Some other good games are Metal Gear Solid 2, Maximo, GTA3, GTA VC, Drakkan, Gauntlet Dark Legacy, Jak and Daxter (better than any Crash)

I just started Rygar but so far it's an awsome game

Fatty Lumpkin
12-27-2002, 03:20 PM
If you want good RPGs, get some PS1 games. Graphics might not be as good, but they're still fun.

12-27-2002, 05:09 PM
And on PS2 you can enable that faster loading which really was needed in a few rpg... i.e. FF6

Flame Boy
12-28-2002, 11:41 PM
FFX is good I enjoyed it..FFVII is the best though..anyhow MGS:2 is awesome, and Devil May Cry rocks. I love that game, I can't wait for DMC2!!! Let's Rock!!