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View Full Version : The ZCN Quest database is open in demo form

12-25-2002, 05:26 PM
As a merry christmas present from us at ZCN (Well Kratheous at least, but we'll keep it up for him ;) ) I give to you the ZCN QDB!

Basically it's still in it's formulative days, but everything you need is there, and any quests submitted will stay.

You can find it by looking at the forum header and finding the following...

Content Submission Wizard (http://www.zelda-gaming.com/newsub.php?)

To upload, and...

ZCN Quest Database (http://www.zelda-gaming.com/qdb/main.php?)

to browse and download.

Once a quest is submitted it will be verified, and placed by an admin, but don't worry as someone will be there to do it pretty much round the clock!

For more information: Click here (http://forums.zelda-gaming.com/showthread.php?threadid=1225)

Now I know we have Breaker's FTP, but if a mod could freeze this i think it would be helpful...

Now that it's done what are you all waiting for? go submit them thare quests =P

Zaphod Q. IX
12-25-2002, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic
if a mod could freeze this i think it would be helpful...


One thing folks...be sure to submit your quests to both databases...this isn't a competition, these databases are here to help. I'm going to link to both of them from zeldaclassic.com, and help them work together to make sure that both contribute as much as they can to our community.

12-28-2002, 03:26 AM
Due to new server, there's some link changes. Also, mind, people, for the Content Submission Wizard, you must be registered at the forums. No, it's not because we want some dirty cheap way of getting people to sign up, it's because otherwise, the people that DO choose to sign up at the forums, would have to sign up AGAIN at the QDB. It's much better to share the user database.

Anyways, new links:

Content Submission Wizard:
(I suggest going through a link that I will soon post on ZCN forums- it may not recognise you as being logged in else.)

Actual QDB:

NOTE: The actual QDB's folder (qdb) seems to not be working. I think I know the problem, but it won't be fixed until at least tomorrow, maybe Sunday.

12-28-2002, 06:11 PM
Sounds pretty cool, i just checked it out, you guys have a nice setup there.
BTW, you may want to update the "Latest Zelda Classic" Links at the bottom as they still show the latest is 163

12-30-2002, 09:29 AM
A quest database sounds great the but link doesn't work!!!



12-30-2002, 04:13 PM
Indeed. The folder isn't working still. I have no clue as to why, though.

01-15-2003, 11:42 PM
I have a question. Every time I rty to download the Serinity quest, it seems to download fine, but adfrewards is an empty file. When the download finished screen popds up after downloading, it sayd 0 bytes downloaded. Is something wrong with the quest file? I really wanted to try this quest.

01-16-2003, 08:00 AM
The same problem for downloading exist with «Example BS Winter Edition».

I'll be glad to download any time soon.



01-23-2003, 05:54 PM
Download file isn't working. Can't be fixed, either. Working on a normal, old HTML QDB that may or may not be permanent.