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View Full Version : Beta 180 - I-Warp w/ Wave FX Bug

12-22-2002, 10:51 PM
I-Warp with Wave FX turns the entire screen white when it goes into play, then darkens back down into the next screen, right? Well, it doesn't finish darkening the border around the ZC screen. Here's an example:

Right after I-Warp w/ Wave FX.

After my instawarp that makes the Push Down text appear on the title screen.

I only noticed this because of my bright LCD monitor. The hex for the border in shot one is #0F080F, shot 2's is #000000. I can clearly see this change on my monitor, you'll probably need to use a graphics program color picker to see the difference.

12-23-2002, 06:50 PM
yeah, the second one is a lot darker.. i haven't noticed any problems with it working on light-world and dark-world switching, but my monitor isn't the best ... if you do this warp 2 times, does it simply change it back to the original, or stay the same #000000?? I've felt there was a big bug, then noticed it was my own problem because i put the wrong tiles down or something similar.