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View Full Version : Warlock's tiles... So many tiles...

12-22-2002, 05:13 AM


Warlock has posted an entire lot of his tiles at ZCN... You need to get this Zip file, and Plith if you happen to read this on top of having him post these I also ran across a copy of the old original tileshop just before it went to board format so contact me if you need any of them.

12-22-2002, 05:20 AM
SWEET!!!!!!11 :D

12-22-2002, 09:40 PM
Thats a lot of tiles. I could use some of these odds n' ends.

01-26-2003, 08:24 PM

There's an updated link ( I saw a few users browsing the thread over the last week or so)

01-27-2003, 12:59 AM
They're also over at The Tileshop: http://tileshop.purezc.com/ ;p

01-27-2003, 12:07 PM
What I would really like to know is where he got the King Dodongo picture from.

01-27-2003, 05:52 PM
Alright I'm going to use them now. Nice job Warlock:thumbsup:

01-27-2003, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Britannianhero4
What I would really like to know is where he got the King Dodongo picture from.

He probably just made it himself... He's good like that.

01-28-2003, 05:36 PM
I will become his apprentice, and I will learn how to draw things like that.

Wait, wasn't there a Dodongo boss in one of the Gameboy Zelda games?

SS4 Goku
02-08-2003, 05:25 AM
yes it was in oracle of seasons(maybe ages haven't played them in awhile, beat them too many times). anyways. Great tiles Warlock.

02-19-2003, 05:07 PM
what ever happened to Warlock's huge tiulesheet. It was twice the size of this one and had every sprite from all the GB zelda games. the one Warlock showed us all was too small to use though. were those ever released?