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View Full Version : Another layer "obstruction" and enemy spawning (180)

12-20-2002, 07:35 PM
It seems that when Link first warps into a room, he appears under layer 1. This becomes a bit wierd when people hide pit warps under layer 1 that warp you to the same room on a different dmap. Link will flicker. The flicker is even more obvious when the Tmusic resets everytime you walk on the warp. :rolleyes:

Also, I've noticed something odd between 179 and 180 in enemy spawning. In 179 in a room with narrow 1 tile passages, enemies spawn fine. In 180 in the same room, no enemies spawn at all.

12-21-2002, 01:21 AM
I had to manually do flags for enemies on some of my quests for them to work properly in these narrow rooms. In the quest I'm working on now, i have the right half (maybe a bit more) of a dungeon room as water, and after you beat all of the enemies on the screen, the water drains out. Problem is, without using the enemy placement flags, I'd walk into the room, and the water would just drain on me, no enemies. Strange, strange indeed.

12-21-2002, 01:42 PM
I'm getting worried about the new betas, I'm using most of these techniques in my dungeons and if what you say is true, over half of them will become bugs once I upgrade to 180+. This doesn't put much faith in upgrading my quests to this version. :-/