View Full Version : Sound help

12-19-2002, 03:54 PM
all this stuff and bickering sure makes a newbie like me sortta wonder if i came to the right place to post a question.
respect is earned. im taught.
if there is a higher schoolroom rather than this kindergarten i need to go to please let me know. im a serious zelda player and have no time for disputes healthy as they seem to be. my question is:
how does one get the "sound of silence"corrected and the sound to play in the dnlded version. ive tried several angles(midi/digital) but still no sound.do i need a blaster sound card for my laptop or what? any and all REASONABLE AND SANE replies welcomed. my deepest respect for the work done to bring to the pc world the great classic of classics! i personally thank you all who were involved.!!G.W.

12-19-2002, 04:01 PM
Let me split your post from the rest of this junk.