View Full Version : enemies

12-18-2002, 08:24 PM
what do the following enemies do?/what are their stats?
-digdogger-kid 1
-digdogger-kid 2
-digdogger-kid 3
-digdogger-kid 4
-dodongo (bs)
-fire shooter
-patra 2
-patra 3
-item bubble
-item bubble-red
-item bubble-blue
-ghoma 2
-ghoma 3
-wizzrobe mirror
-wizzrobe bat

-whats the difference between a bat and keese?
-and finally whats the difference between armos combo and armos enemy?

12-18-2002, 10:10 PM
The Digdogger kids are what you get if you play the Ocarina on a screen with a big Digdogger. You can place them on the screen at will now.

Dodongo (bs) has two tiles for walking vertically, as seen in BS Zelda. LoZ only had one.

Fire is a flame like those seen in front of Zelda.

Fire shooter is an invisible enemy that shoots fire. It can only be killed with Kill All Enemies or the ring leader of the room.

Patra 2 and 3 are stronger versions of Patra.

Item bubbles disable the items assigned to the B button. Red is permanent until you hit a blue one.

Ghoma 2 and 3 are stronger versions of the Gohma boss.

Wizzrobe Mirror can only be killed with reflected magic.

Wizzrobe Bat sends out bats instead of magic, leading to the next point...

Bat is the enemy that Wizzrobe Bat sends out. It flies faster than Keese and uses CSet 6 instead of 7, 8, or 9.

The Armos enemy causes an Armos to come to life instantly when Link comes on the screen, rather than requiring Link to touch it.

12-18-2002, 10:18 PM
THANX A LOT!...but just one question, whats the difference between digdogger kids? i know what they are but why four different kinds?

12-18-2002, 10:22 PM
Kid 1 is the kid of the Digdogger with 1 kid. The other 3 belong to the one with 3 kids. If you're using different tiles for the two different Digdoggers, this is useful. ;)

12-19-2002, 09:10 AM
Yeah, that would be pretty useful.

Y'know, I had always thought that the bats used Cset 9. I guess that's probably because of the fact that in 163, the bats use the wrong enemy tiles.

And Patra 2 acts just like Patra 3, except Patra 3, all the parts shoot many fireballs, instead of only the main central part shooting the fireballs in the patra 2.

But what do you mean when the BS-dodongo uses 2 vertical tiles instead of the z1 1? With the new enemy tiles, wouldn't they have the same amount regardless? :confused: