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View Full Version : Damn you, SubSeven!

Fatty Lumpkin
12-15-2002, 08:09 PM
A friend of mine got really into using SubSeven (if you don't know what it is, go away), and started breaking into every computer he could on his ICQ list. I downloaded it to play a prank on two of my friends. Well, my friend with subseven added me into his backdoors, so I got all the emails from the program too. Well neither of us has used it in months, but my friend didn't remove the viruses.

I just checked my email today, and I have roughly 150 S7 emails!!!!!!:angry: Well, I guess that's what I get for trying to change my friend's background from my computer.:cool:

12-15-2002, 09:33 PM
SubSeven is the lamest pile of shit I've ever seen. Omg, how cool, I can change someone's background with software I'll never be able to understand because I'm lame! Sounds fun...

I'm glad it backfired. Anyone who uses SubSeven deserves much more than a mail-flood. Sheesh, go read a book or something.

Sorry if it sounds harsh.. but SubSeven really is lame.. :shrug:

Fatty Lumpkin
12-15-2002, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by gdorf
SubSeven is the lamest pile of shit I've ever seen. Omg, how cool, I can change someone's background with software I'll never be able to understand because I'm lame! Sounds fun...

I'm glad it backfired. Anyone who uses SubSeven deserves much more than a mail-flood. Sheesh, go read a book or something.

Sorry if it sounds harsh.. but SubSeven really is lame.. :shrug:

Yeah, I agree with you. I was rather bored that day.

But it didn't really backfire, since that's what my friend wanted.

12-15-2002, 10:37 PM
Subseven is funny if they dont know whats going on.


12-16-2002, 12:01 AM
Hmm... do none of your friends have any decent antivirus software? And how did you trick them into download exe files? Even my mom isn't that stupid.

12-16-2002, 12:51 AM
I have to agree, what morons download EXEs from people they don't even know?

12-16-2002, 03:15 AM
Well, if you look @ Netbus, its another great example of that,
you can fool people into thinking nearly anything if their new to computers,
i did it all the time, it was a great source of entertainment, but overall its lame
now that i look @ it i wish i could go back and kick my arse, but i do have to admit, when your young like 14-15 years old its fun to do
would i do it now? prolly not, i got better things to do...

Fatty Lumpkin
12-16-2002, 05:21 PM
me>hey, look at this cool C+ program I wrote. *posts link*
friend>hey, cool! *downloads*
friend>It says it's corrupted.
me> oh darn.


I did bring a server over to my friend's house on a floppy and installed it at around 2 in the morning. When I got up the next day his mom was doing a virus scan and everything was detected. She just deleted it and didn't think anything more of it.

12-16-2002, 07:08 PM
when your young like 14-15 years old its fun to do
would i do it now? prolly not, i got better things to do...

I'm 15, and I have far better things to do with my time.

12-17-2002, 11:26 PM
LOL, well your a rare exeption then gdorf

12-18-2002, 05:59 PM
My thoughts:

Subseven is useful for remote administration.

You can really freak someone out with VNC/RDP/DameWare/whatever.

(Aah! A ghost is moving my mouse!)

If you don't want antivirus software to detect your backdoor, WRITE IT YOURSELF, DAMNIT! (jestingly, not yelling)

Geez, you can make a remote command prompt in a few lines of C, IIRC.

(never tried it, tho.)

BO2K is great for adminning, but 'suits generally don't like programs with references to anus, written by the Cult of the Dead Cow.

("'suits" being management, of course)

Generally, for the suits to trust a program for admins to use for remote control, it has to have a really lame name and cost at least $200.

BTW, hi, all! I sure have been posting more than my usual amount this year...

Another thing, MailSnare.net is the shiznitz!

(About Me:

My generic handle is bdragon. I have been here for a while. (look at my member #!)

When I post, I generally ramble a bit about a subject, remark on my past posting habits, and disappear for a while.

I frequent the LinuxPackages.net and userlocal.com forums, doing Slackware tech support. I also participate a bit in Flightgear and Crystal Space.

I use Slackware. I would like to use OpenBSD on my home server someday, but my home disk is reiserfs, so I can't until I get another disk large enough to hold my 30 something gigs of ~.

I roll my own PCs. I don't have a job, so it's generally piece by piece.

Why am I saying all this?

Well, I'm bored.

Seeya all next time.)
