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View Full Version : The Sims Online... Uh... Play test

12-12-2002, 10:02 PM
Well, so far I have alittle more than a gig down for the play test, And Its taking forever because Ive kinda resorted to getting it off kazaa!, After getting royally screwed by fileshack and stuff.

But I was curious, The play test has been out for awhile now and I was wondering If anyone else has played It yet?, if so, Is It all that great? does It seem like TSO Is going to be any good? Or Is the whole sims thing just kinda getting annoying?

BTW: The play test Is about 1.2gigs!!!, So just to let ya know, If your planin on downloadin It :shrug: .

12-12-2002, 10:43 PM
lol @ people who play The Sims.;)

12-12-2002, 11:24 PM
haha.. yeah, the first "The Sims" was fun for awhile, then it just got oooooooold. Then of course they released like a million expansion sets to it.

12-12-2002, 11:40 PM
The Sims online borrows an old concept from 1996 and blends it with 'The Sims'.
The old concept is that of the MMOSG, or Massive Multiplayer Online Social Game.

Presently, since there are dozens of free and a handful of good free MMOSGs available, I won't be getting The Sims Online.

12-12-2002, 11:51 PM
i've played it... good, but gets boring
basically you get a zillion roommates a big house and play pizza to make money. not my idea of a game.

12-13-2002, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by Beldaran
lol @ people who play The Sims.;)

:laughing: , Ya ya, Well I have even worse games than the sims, Since I dont really play games on the computer (except for ZC of course ;) )

But I just downloaded the little beta test, was loadin it up and of course here comes that damned regestration key stuff and I was going to get a cd key. But now that Im hearin that its just the sims again... nothin new, i think i just wont bother.

So Im guessing the tso can easilly be described as:

The Sims=hucking rocks at a dead fish!

The Sims Online=Getting your friends to huck rocks at the same dead fish!

Basically :shrug:

War Lord
12-14-2002, 08:41 AM
I dunno if getting it off Kazaa will work, you're gonna need an individual serial number, and places like File Planet generate that per account.

12-15-2002, 10:57 PM
when you install it they ask you for a credit card number :/

12-16-2002, 04:05 AM
im not gonna bother with the online version
the normals good enough
why would u wanna bother online? its dumb
however i could see poeple trying to hookup over the net because of it, just like you hear about people over chat rooms and crap like that

12-16-2002, 01:02 PM
seeing as i have yet to play the sims i don't have any comment or insults aboot this though i do have some dled anime people for the game i'm waiting to get my new pc before i get it.....though that will probably be awhile.....:kawaii:

Michael Moore
12-17-2002, 01:22 AM
I am addicted to the sims. Its quite fun for me to play. Speacially with a freind. The online aspect will be cool. I plan on getting it for xmas. I already downloaded the first 3 and played em off Kazaa. Then I bought Vacation. Probably should of gotten hotdate, but its all fun. I also wanna get the one on PS2. The fun is too download new objects of the net. The sims resource use to be the best, till they became a paying site. Though they still give about 4% away for free.