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12-10-2002, 10:26 PM
Christmas is just around the corner, and apparently teachers think holiday cheer equates to piling on work. Tomorrow I've got two tests and have to give a lecture on New Historicism (great fun there), and I've got a term paper to write by the end of the week. Anybody else buried in work this week as teachers try to cram stuff in before the end of the semester?

12-10-2002, 10:28 PM
Yeah i got a world history test friday...test it R.O.T.C on thursday...math of course getting homework everyday and in world history i have to sum up the chapter in a 300 word essay...not to mention english reading a book called ETHON FROME sounds pretty boring so yeah im gonna have a pretty fun next 2 weeks

12-10-2002, 10:50 PM
finals week my man, finals week. and several papers i need to do

12-10-2002, 10:54 PM
I have an exam tomorrow and Saturday...

12-10-2002, 10:55 PM
There's always Spark notes for required reading, and we don't have midterms till mid January.

12-10-2002, 11:02 PM
Lucky me, mine are over with. Had my last final today. Not much fun, that. Driving out there at 7:00 AM, then walking several blocks in freezing rain both ways... Didn't even do well on the test. Doesn't count for much of the total grade, though.
Tests suck, but then they're past...

12-10-2002, 11:03 PM
I would like to take this time to stick out my tongue and waggle my ears because I'm on christmas break.:D

12-10-2002, 11:18 PM
I finished with my exam from English Comp. 1 last week, but I still have Algebra II homework to do. Damn confusing self-taught school work. I have only myself to blame for not concetrating the past two years of Algebra, so now I learning just about everything new in Algebra II, and damn is it hard if you don't know what the shit you're doing.

12-10-2002, 11:36 PM
Aha!:tongue: Exams suck, especially when you're not told what to review.:(

Fatty Lumpkin
12-11-2002, 10:13 AM
I don't know how many finals i have to take. But i do need to get a history report done by Friday. Maybe I should be working on that instead of posting here. Nah.