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View Full Version : Age Of Mythology

12-09-2002, 04:51 PM
i recently bought this game and decide i'd do sorta a review on it. i personally love the game. it's a RTS game, much like the first two AOE's. the diffrence is that there are only 3 main civilizations. but each civ has 3 diffrent major gods they can choose to worship, and 9 minor. at the start of the game you choose the major god, and as you advance through the ages, you choose a minor. each of the gods has their own benefits and technologies, and the minor gods allow you diffrent myth units. each god has a god power which you can use once per game, but that is plenty enough. the units lack the clear-cut counters that were so prevailent in age of kings, but you can never go wrong with massed units. the units this time around can be classified into three groups. humans are the cheapest, and most common. myth units are mythoogical beasts, from the incredibly fast anubites to the slow but powerful cyclops, which throw enemy units(very entertaining). myth units are powerful, but more expensive.and finally you have the heros. the most expensive units in the game, they can destroy myth units.
and the races. the greeks are the closest to AOK, and several of my friends prefer them. the norse are the ruching civ, as they can quickly pump out units. and the egyptians, my personal favorites, have the long ranged and/or fast units. chariot archers can outrun anyone, and can outrange fortresses. all in all i love it. my only problems are with the size(1.5gigs)and the fact that it likes to freeze up on my computer. i'm not sure what causes it, but i'm trying to fix it. and one more thing, the games go alot quicker than they do in the other AOE's. it's incredibly rare to have an 45 minute game, compared to the 2-3 hour games i used to play in AOK

12-09-2002, 05:29 PM
How similar is it to Civilization? And can you play against only computers?

12-09-2002, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by slothman
How similar is it to Civilization? And can you play against only computers?

it's not all that similiar to civ. imagine starcraft wit han economy. and more ways to win than taking out all opponents. and you can play online against real humans if you want.

12-09-2002, 06:39 PM
I have a question, Mr. Hokie. ( :laughing: ) Is the graphical engine similar to Empire Earth? I just purchased the game because it was used, and therefore $10 less. I REALLY loved AoE, and I liked AoE2/AoK, but Empire Earth got kinda tiring quickly, I'm sad to say. So I'm hoping that AoM will be better.

12-09-2002, 06:56 PM
Sounds neat, with only three races though, hmm, but with all the Gods, I guess you could be different if you played multiplayer.

12-09-2002, 08:13 PM
BH4, i've never played empire earth, and so i wouldn't know. and as for the only 3 civs, it actually ok. diffrent major gods are more benefitial to diffrent kinds of units, and allow diffrent things. for example, following set allows your pharoh to convert wild animals, something no one else can do

12-09-2002, 08:31 PM
I bought Empire Earth as well as AoM
AoM's graphics outclass the ones in EE. EE graphics in my opinion are too blocky and seem rushed as if Rick Goodman wanted to get the game out quickly and fix it later. However AoM's graphics are beautiful! Each unit is very detailed on high graphics, the water is very realistic, you can rotate the camera to check out all sides of a building and watch battles from a different perspective, you cant zoom in/out though.
AoM plays better aswell, EE games were boring as they lasted half a day, and the only way to win quickly was to mass nuclear bomb the enemy. AoM games can be won in many different ways, like deathbyhokie said and last an short - medium amount of time.

Soo.. IMHO

Loki rules.

12-09-2002, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by raptorscyther
Loki rules.

sentinel whore. I HATE SENTINELS!!!!!!! so annoying. they're why i stopped rushing. and personally i prefer isis. heroic, drop a stronghold, and pump out chariot archers and petschos(the crocodiles)

12-09-2002, 08:42 PM
Sentinel is Hades.

Loki gets Spy

12-09-2002, 08:50 PM
sorry wrong god. so i guess you like the nidhogg? the second most annoying god power in the game?

12-09-2002, 08:54 PM
Damn Straight!
The dragon ownz! Along with the giants!

But when you think about it, the Nidhogg doesnt do that much damage, and with plenty of archers, he goes down.

12-09-2002, 09:01 PM
i've never had a problem with the giants. son of osiris takes care of them just fine. and as for the niddhog, i've never seen anyone use one without a supporting, mostly anti-archer, army. and that gets annoying. oh and the most annoying, and useful, god power would have to be cease-fire(so many strategic options open up from it)

12-09-2002, 09:06 PM
Cease Fire... *shudder*

Enemy uses cease fire, enters with 20 rams and archers, myth units.


All buildings gone, my army kills rams, his army shoots me while i take rams.

ooo.. that was a bad game...

12-09-2002, 09:27 PM
that's not what we do. me and one of my friends/allies use it and drop 2 fortresses in the base, and start on a 3rd and a 4th. it's so great

12-11-2002, 12:04 AM
I've been reading reviews on this game for awhile, and I decided two weeks ago to put it on my Christmas list. I personally can't wait to get my hands on this. I have SW Galactic Battlegrounds, which uses the AOE engine and I love it. Besides the fact I've been looking for a good new RTS after getting kinda bored w/ WC3, I LOVE mythology. I'm pretty well learned in Greco/Roman and Egyptian mythology, so to be able to actually play a game with some of the dieties I've read about is awsome. I'm glad someone finally made a game that makes a war between the different gods and cultures playable.

In case you couldn't tell, I REALLY WANT THIS GAME