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12-06-2002, 10:20 PM
The constitution has just been declared unconstitutional. A federal court in California has just specified that the 2nd amendment guaranteeing the right to bear arms doesn't guarantee the right to bear arms for private citizens, only state militias. I'll get the usual flames and trolls in this post but I can now say with certainty that the US is "running out". It's done with it's golden age and is now like the Ancient Roman Empire around 100 AD, but with modern technology. The government is getting more tyrannical and removing more rights than ever from the people. Just like all the other empires it will only last a few hundred more years before the "west" enters a Dark Age and drags most of the world in with it. Of course most of the people here a republicans so you will say nothing is wrong. I ma just comparing it, and getting a tremendous similarity, with other times and places just before they were conquered. Right now mostly the rich have rights and the middle-class and poor have few. Orwells "1984" was apparently only a couple decades off. Now for the flames. :mad: :angry:

12-06-2002, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by slothman
A federal court in California

there's the problem. it's not the supreme court, and so the case will be appealed. i don't think they'll do away with the right to private gun ownership. and i thought most republicans supported the current interpretation of the second amendment. i do at least

12-06-2002, 10:35 PM
In California... That's a good thing.

In my opinions somethings simply don't need to be "rights" anymore... I mean how often do you hear or see a private citizen using a gun for "protection"?

The right was abused, and thus it became a privledge... Sadly although I hate this state and the country as a whole I must say it's about time we started realizing these things.

12-06-2002, 10:55 PM
You are correct in that SCOTUS (supreme court of us) could overturn it but the news also said that that particular court is more liberal than most. Anyway the country is still headed downhill. Unfortunately it took a terrorist attack for me to realize it.

12-06-2002, 11:06 PM
Yes, over the years governments become old and die out because they simply become to outdated.

12-06-2002, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by slothman
Right now mostly the rich have rights and the middle-class and poor have few.

Eh, either I'm rich and didn't know it, or you're living in a different country. :shrug:

12-06-2002, 11:30 PM
I have to disagree with that as well... Resources to fufill rights? yep, but in actuallity that's what really makes the difference.

12-06-2002, 11:49 PM
I think that the right to bear arms is important... for law abiding citizens. Ya, guns are used in murders alot, but chances are the gun wasn't even gotten legally anyway. I dunno. It's obvious, it's ok for some people to have guns, but not others. Unfortunately they can't seem to keep those that shouldn't from having them.

12-06-2002, 11:55 PM
Bah, guns only tempt the weak spirited. I know, demoracies aren't all they're cracked up to be, but it's the best so far. It's not like we're about to switch to a bold, new goverment setup. Things will never be fair, as long as we're humans, of course. So, I guess we can't really complain in the end, it's futile. Of course, correction of what we got is good.

12-06-2002, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic
In my opinions somethings simply don't need to be "rights" anymore... I mean how often do you hear or see a private citizen using a gun for "protection"?

All the time. It is not as sensationalist as murders with guns, nor does it advance the gun control agenda like gun violence. However you can read many stories of men and women protecting their families with guns.

12-07-2002, 12:05 AM
well then this cuts down on the need for both... in theory, but there may be a turn around in the form of crimanals being the only ones with guns, but anyone into drug running really has better things to do then rob families.

12-07-2002, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by slothman
A federal court in California has just specified that the 2nd amendment guaranteeing the right to bear arms doesn't guarantee the right to bear arms for private citizens, only state militias.Well, California is run by Democrats, so I guess it was bound to happen.
Originally posted by slothman
It's done with it's golden age and is now like the Ancient Roman Empire around 100 AD, but with modern technology. The government is getting more tyrannical and removing more rights than ever from the people. Just like all the other empires it will only last a few hundred more years before the "west" enters a Dark Age and drags most of the world in with it.What makes you say that? A ruling in a court about guns?
Originally posted by slothman
Of course most of the people here a republicans so you will say nothing is wrong. I ma just comparing it, and getting a tremendous similarity, with other times and places just before they were conquered. Right now mostly the rich have rights and the middle-class and poor have few.Are you saying that only rich people have guns now? Based on your statements, that seems to be the only substantive "right" that might be part of this supposed disparity. I'm pretty sure rich people don't constitute a militia, but if you'd care to explain a bit more, maybe I could understand.
Originally posted by slothman
Orwells "1984" was apparently only a couple decades off.1984 was about the removal of personal rights by ever-growing government influence. Republicans aren't making the government able to control you - Democrats are. Republicans are "conservative", as in making your own decisions. Democrats are the ones pushing public healthcare and more taxes for the "public". In other words, you've got it so backwards I'm trying to discern whether this topic stems from stupidity or extreme misinformation. Either way, you truly have mastered your craft.

12-07-2002, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by Breaker

Eh, either I'm rich and didn't know it, or you're living in a different country. :shrug:
If you are rich and have lots-o-money you can hire a nive lawyer to get you off many crimes. This includes things like copyright infringment. If not then you get a free trip to jail. How many rich people in the last year or two can you think of that are now in jail?

Maverik X
12-07-2002, 12:53 AM
The Enron executives? Oh, wait, they're not in jail yet. But they will be :evil: :laughing:

Anyway, I'm against guns under certain circumstances. Many of the people who own guns own them for legitimate reasons, such as for hunting. Some people use them for target practice or the like, and those are fairly legitimate reasons. However, the guns owned illegitamately (please excuse my spelling) i.e. "street" guns, should be cracked down on.

That's my oppinion and I'm stickin to it.

12-07-2002, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by slothman

If you are rich and have lots-o-money you can hire a nive lawyer to get you off many crimes. This includes things like copyright infringment. If not then you get a free trip to jail. How many rich people in the last year or two can you think of that are now in jail?

Right, because those guilty of copyright infringment shouldn't be in jail.