View Full Version : Need Help Fixing Tiles Colors

Metroid King
12-04-2002, 06:52 PM
When I Load Tiles To Switch The Character The Color Is Always Messed Up!:mega:

12-04-2002, 08:40 PM
You need to recolor them by hand. It should be pretty easy. If you want, (or if you're having trouble) post the tiles and the palette here and people will be glad to help. ;)

Metroid King
12-05-2002, 08:26 AM
Thanks I'll Try It If I Can't Do It I'll Post The Tiles and Palette.:mega:

12-05-2002, 08:46 AM
Good idea. Better then tiles and palatte than the whole ZGP, unless you want to give it to people.

And now it's my turn. What were you importing? If it was a level template, then you are made in the shade with a glass of lemonade, or so I'm told. :laughing: Just go to the graphics->level color palatte editor, then go to the level you want that dungeon tileset in, and go to grab. And then go to the picture you'll be grabbing from. It follows more or less the same Cset order as the rest of ZQuest, if it's from another quest. But if not, your lemonade had a frog in it and your chair broke. Then, you just have to choose any random csets from that list and hope it matches, like when recoloring roms. Good luck with that. Be sure to recycle the pitcher.