View Full Version : So fucked up...

12-02-2002, 10:19 AM
(names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty)

My friend since the first grade (we'll call her Jill) is dating my best friend, (we'll call him Bob) who is also pretty much my brother. They've been dating for about 3 or 4 months now. Well, I found out last night that Jill is a fucking bitch that can't be trusted. You see, I went to a late night movie last night and Jill and I decided to go to Kroger to get some ice cream. While we're there, she tells me something that I could kill her for.

Well, she's previously told me that she kinda likes this guy, who is also a good friend of mine (we'll call him Joe). She liked him back when her and Bob broke up, but when she saw that Bob might have another girlfriend, she went crawling back to him. Well, knowing that she still liked Joe, she got back with Bob, and now she's fucking with Bob's head. Is that fair?

Back to the Kroger's story. Jill told me that she kissed Joe last week. As soon as she told me that, I about puked. Not that Joe is a bad guy or anything, it's just that she totally fucked Bob over. She says that the reason her and Bob have so many problems in their relationship, is because of him. I don't fucking think so! She's fucking with HIS head, and leading Joe on by a rope. I talked to Bob on the phone last night, who, by the way, was in tears over this dumb bitch, and I tried to convince him that he can do SO much better than her. Then I find out later that she kissed Joe! I mean, how fucked up is that? And she said she refuses to tell Bob about it.

I told her that it would be best if she did, and she said "You did it to -----." I told her that there was a difference, my situation was different, and I told ------ about what happened. Things didn't end so great, but hell, that's life.

What am I going to do?

12-02-2002, 10:47 AM
My daughter was in a similar situation.
Two different people were dating and both friends, one started messing around behind the others back and my daughter knew.
So what to do? She didn't want to lose the friendship of either; I told her there were three ways to handle it.
1. Choose a friend and side with them on the situation.
That is telling the one about the unfaithfulness of the other.
2. Help the other one hide the unfaithfulness.

3. Step away from it and let them work it out.
If the one gets caught that is not her problem.
If the cheating continues not her problem either.

When friends are evolved like this the answer is never easy.

12-02-2002, 12:42 PM
I see.. thanks for the advice Jem, I'll do what I can to help them both...

12-03-2002, 12:31 PM
Whats the problem? It sounds like all your friends are making out with each other. You should ask them to join in, too. The more, the merrier.


Glenn the Great
12-03-2002, 01:49 PM
Jill trusted you with that information so you should keep it secret. Don't get involved in their problem. Give as much advice as you want, but don't go as far as to tell Bob that she kissed Joe.

12-03-2002, 01:52 PM
Well, Bob broke up with Jill last night, so it's all good!